The Rise of Hipster Hunters

The Rise of Hipster Hunters

A new brand of sportsmen has begun taking to the field. Hunting embodies many ideas — tradition, camaraderie, stewardship, self-reliance — but it has never placed much emphasis on staying abreast with movements or trends beyond the scope of the outdoors. And this, in...
NEW! Thunder Without Rain By Thomas McIntyre

NEW! Thunder Without Rain By Thomas McIntyre

New Release! Click Here to Buy Now “When you hear thunder without rain–it is the buffalo approaching.” This line from a Yoruba hunting poem conveys the magnificent power of the African buffalo, also called “God’s cattle.” Hunter and writer Thomas McIntyre has pursued...
Every Man Goes Out Alone

Every Man Goes Out Alone

It is not a thing life prepares one for, no matter how much meat has been secured in this fashion following a successful elk or deer hunt. The name fits. Clyde. I picture a “Clyde” and see leathery features beneath a black, grease-crusted Stetson, floppy...
Maynard Reece’s Legacy Is Protected Habitat

Maynard Reece’s Legacy Is Protected Habitat

In all of art history, never has there been a more venerable emblem of wildlife conservation than the tiny U.S. Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp. Invented by an American sportsman during the Dust Bowl to protect habitat for migratory birds, revenue generated...
Most Embarrassing Mistake In Gunmaking

Most Embarrassing Mistake In Gunmaking

For gunmaker Al Biesen, misspelling Jack O’Connor’s name was a tiny mistake, but something he would never be able to live down. Spokane was as far from her family as my rightfully cautious bride would move, at least in the direction of Montana’s elk country, so we set...
The River Collector

The River Collector

It was not a conscious choice, but it seems that I have been building a collection. It is a collection of trout rivers. The collection was started almost 50 years ago, the summer our family rented a cedar shingle cottage on a small Michigan lake. Lily pads filled its...
Whiskey and Palaver at the Dying of the Sun

Whiskey and Palaver at the Dying of the Sun

“We had no lion tag and there was no game scout to give permission.” Moses threw another load of sticks upon the coals. The fire crackled, sparks flew and smoke rolled. Zambia, in the valley of the Great Zambezi. Out on the sandbars, hippos were grunting up...
Larry Norton and The Searching Spirit

Larry Norton and The Searching Spirit

Larry Norton’s subjects are not only anatomically proportionate but portrayed in body positions as they appear in the wild. One notes the malevolent cast of a lurking croc, the rubble of scattered bones, virtually hears the forlorn call of the turtle dove....
The Villain of East Africa – John Patterson

The Villain of East Africa – John Patterson

Whatever the goal, the safari became a recipe for disaster. The great elephant rounded a clump of acacia and swung toward the two hunters. Drying blood made dark stains down its wrinkled shoulder and neck, but despite its wounds, the big animal moved deceptively fast...