A Door in the Woods

A Door in the Woods

Though it was now past dusk and the forest was dark and still, I could see that, yes, it definitely was a door, alone, in the middle of the woods. “Good boy, Rex, easy now. Whoa on the bird!”   The gathering gloaming of the approaching evening made it rather difficult...
Painting Animals Inside and Out

Painting Animals Inside and Out

For a young man who had dreamt of being an animal painter since childhood, trying to break into the toughest magazine market in the world, it was a story that even then no one would have bought as fiction. The year 1959 was not a particularly auspicious time for a...
The Timely Art of Sporting Calendars

The Timely Art of Sporting Calendars

By definition and design, the calendar marks the passage of time and to an extent sets the tempo for our activities. But the calendar holds particular interest for the outdoor sportsman, the hunter and the collector of sporting art. The calendars of the late 19th and...
The Cripple

The Cripple

Deep down, he knew this duck, this day, no matter how good it had been, could not have made up for the things they had already lost. As they turned off the main highway onto a rutted two-track, Tom glanced over at his son and wondered what Casey would be thinking....
Chairman of the Lower Forty

Chairman of the Lower Forty

From this moment forward, their association will finally go down as one of the greatest in the annals of outdoor writing. Our paths converged in a field called the Lower Forty. Corey Ford owned it, I own it — in this very real, very rural, picture-postcard New England...
Bob Ruark and the Boy

Bob Ruark and the Boy

Bob Ruark left every lover of nature, every hunter and fisherman a bountiful legacy. To virtually all contemporary lovers of fine sporting literature, not to mention the millions who came to know him through his biting newspaper columns or best-selling novels, the...
Two Sports

Two Sports

Men of remarkable talent and courage, Er Shelley and Paul Rainey brought a unique form of hunting to Africa. As the 20th century dawned, the gamelands near Memphis beckoned two very different young men. One was a pointing dog trainer from rural Michigan, uncannily...
A Great and Tainted Genius

A Great and Tainted Genius

There’s the greatest writer of the last century and wanderings across the continents with gun and rod, and it begins in 1951 just outside Havana Way up in the Sawtooths, the day comes creeping on the wind. The aspens rattle and the stars fade as the first light hits...
Staying at Hunter S. Thompson’s Digs

Staying at Hunter S. Thompson’s Digs

Thompson, along with Ernest Hemingway, were two of my biggest influences in regards to writing – and unfortunately – in how a writer should live. Hunter S. Thompson is credited with inventing an entirely new style of journalism, is the author of such literary classics...