EP 165: Bear Talk

EP 165: Bear Talk

Click Here to Listen Now With Spring just around the corner Larry and Luke talk about some of the things they're looking forward to, from fishing for white bass to especially spring bear hunting.  Larry has spent many years hunting spring bear and talks a bit about...

Kentuck Turkey Tango

Kentuck Turkey Tango

Some 480 million years ago, plate tectonics waltzed the lapetus oceanic plate into what is today’s United States to form part of the supercontinent, Pangaea. For a hundred million years afterward, the Central Pangean Mountains lifted skyward, as high as the Alps....

EP: 164 The Never Give Up Buck

EP: 164 The Never Give Up Buck

Click Here to Listen Now Thanks to Texas’ Managed Land Deer Permit, properties under the program can hunt whitetails until the last day of February. In this episode Larry and Luke talk about a buck, Larry initially passed in November, and then the long subsequent hunt...

A Thousand Rebel Yells

A Thousand Rebel Yells

It was black dark and there was the disarming gush of the swollen, little stream, and I could only sense the rise of the earth above me. But I had done battle here before. I could feel it in my bones, as in the ghostly lines of Mary Fahl's "Going Home," from Gods and...

The Steakhouse Stickup

The Steakhouse Stickup

Hugo, Minnesota, straight up U.S. 61, the murderous old two-lane between St. Paul and Duluth. Up and down some timbered red-iron hills, around others, potholed, icy sometimes, frosty others, slick always, so deadly Bob Dylan wrote it into a song: “God said to Abraham,...

Notes on Dangerous Game

Notes on Dangerous Game

The Third Tanganyika Letter This article originally appeared in the July 1934 issue of Esquire magazine. In the ethics of shooting dangerous game is the premise that the trouble you shoot yourself into you must be prepared to shoot yourself out of. Since a man making...