- The forum’s Executive Committee held their 2015 Summit at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. Front row, l-r: Judi White, Susan Bernard Shaver, Sandy Froman, Barbara Rumpel. Back row, l-r: co-chair Janet Nyce, Hilary Goldschlager, Susan Hayes, Susan Kriley, Susan LaPierre, Suzie Brewster, Anne Draper, Melanie Pepper, and Sally Clark.
There are more women hunters now than ever before. But this upward trend isn’t just echoing through the hunting community. Female firearm advocates are coming out in waves all around the country — and they’re not being quiet about it. Today, more than ever, women have a vital role to play in our country. We are changing the tide; we are shaping the future.
Over a decade ago, as this trend was beginning to gain momentum, a small group of women within the NRA saw an opportunity: an opportunity to dive in, instill change, protect freedom, and impact the future. And so, the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum began.
The forum is a women-only philanthropic society and the fastest growing community within the NRA. We are steadfast in our mission to help one another thrive, connect, and engage in the world of firearms. Our aspirations don’t just rely on supporting each other, but even more importantly, in reaching out and touching the lives of others. We remain committed to playing an active role in the protection of the Second Amendment for future generations and support the education and training of newcomers — especially women — into the shooting sports.
We come from many different places, different families, and different backgrounds, but our shared values are plentiful and diverse. We own firearms for many different reasons: To put food on the table, to keep our families safe, to compete. Some of us don’t shoot at all but understand the importance of our Second Amendment and Bill of Rights. We are wives, daughters, business owners, sisters, students, grandmothers, target shooters, and friends.
But even more plentiful than our differences are our similarities — most notably, our shared appreciation and passion for the Second Amendment. We span generations of smart, capable, determined, and generous women. We represent the very best of American women … women of the NRA. We are connected in spirit and united in our cause to defend the values we all share and hold dear.
The Women’s Leadership Forum has grown into a national network of influential women from all corners of the country. Many of us shoot and hunt, but all of us care about protecting our personal freedoms.
We are women of intelligence and thought, generous in spirit, strong in character, self-determined, and we act on, and stand for, what we believe.
Annual membership comes with once-in-a-lifetime benefits and experiences, among them behind-the-scenes access to the NRA and national Second Amendment advocates, special women-only firearm training courses and hunts, networking opportunities, special recognition at NRA events, and so much more. Our two largest events, the spring Luncheon & Auction and fall Summit, are among the NRA’s most eagerly anticipated functions.
On May 20, we will celebrate a decade of the Women’s Leadership Forum Luncheon & Auctions. For ten years this gathering has grown from a collection of women dreaming of a better tomorrow into an unstoppable force of hundreds of women with that same dream.
Held each year in conjunction with the NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, the Luncheon & Auction features spectacular auction items (hunting excursions, one-of-a-kind artwork and jewelry, fine firearms), and dazzling entertainment (past special guests include Rascal Flatts, Tom Selleck, Lynne and Liz Cheney). Our 10th anniversary event in Louisville, Kentucky, will be our biggest yet, with more auction items, world-renowned entertainer Terry Fator, and the infectious energy that comes from sharing the room with like-minded women from around the country.
Fall brings with it the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum Summit, a fun-filled girls’ weekend spent with the women of the NRA. Each summit is unique in its own way, but you can always expect to experience beautiful destinations, inspirational speakers, exciting cultural adventures, and a renewed spirit. We’ve heard from 46th Vice President Dick Cheney and daughter Liz Cheney, Governor Susana Martinez, Governor Mary Fallin, Congressman Marsha Blackburn, Congresswoman Ann Wagner, TheBlaze TV’s Dana Loesch, author and news correspondent Emily Miller, and former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina.
With the D.C. area as the backdrop for our 2016 retreat, the lineup of speakers will not disappoint. Plus, there will be special tours of D.C. historical and cultural highlights, shooting demonstrations, fantastic shopping, and so much more. We hope you can join us in D.C. Sept. 9-11.
If you’re interested in attending these events, contact Addie Crimmins at (703) 267-1580 or acrimmins@nrahq.org.
Our greatest strength lies in our members. Especially in the political climate of an election year, it can be easy to feel like you’re alone in your values and beliefs. But here at the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum, like-minded women find a common cause and goal to get behind: the protection of our Second Amendment. We don’t have to agree on everything, but we do agree on that. Because nothing is more important for the future of our children and this country.
This is truly a group of women unlike any other. Not only do we care deeply about the future and want to make a lasting difference — we have a tremendous amount of fun doing it. The road toward achieving our goals is a long one, but we have the resolve to press on and get there. Together.
“I was invited to attend the very first Women’s Leadership Forum,” says co-chair Janet Nyce. “The dream they wanted to bring together was to get the women of the NRA to no longer be silent partners; to step up and take a leadership role in securing the future for future generations; and to secure the programs that affect and touch so many people. I’ve been part of that ever since, and I’ve watched that evolve and grow.”
With so much at stake in our country and a monumental election inching ever closer, now is the time to act. Now is the time to support and celebrate female firearm owners. Now is the time for groups like the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum to stand up for women across each city, state, and the entire nation. Please join us!
Your annual gift of $1,000 or more to any NRA entity qualifies you for recognition in the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum. To learn more about how you can get involved in this inspirational group of women, contact Jennifer Craig-Brewster at jcraig-brewster@nrahq.org or call (412) 477-3233. Visit us online at nrawlf.com.
What our members are saying:
“We’re all like-minded and we want the best for our country and our children, and we’re ready to go out there and fight.”
– Melanie Pepper, SCI Diana award recipient
“There are millions of women that share my values and beliefs out there. And I think right now the NRA will keep us strong, and we have to support it.”
– Julie Woods Hill, NRA Women’s Leadership Forum Endowment lead donor
“I believe that the sole purpose of the NRA is protection of the Second Amendment. You’ve just got to believe in that if you believe in our Constitution and believe in America.”
– Suzie Brewster, SCI Diana award recipient
“The Women’s Leadership Forum takes life to a different level because it makes people pay attention to what’s going on now here in our own country. Women in another country can’t drive; they can’t vote; they don’t have a voice. We do. And this is a great way to introduce them to getting accustomed to standing up for themselves … learning to get involved, learning to motivate others to do the same thing.”
– Esther Schneider, 9th Annual NRA Women’s Leadership Forum Luncheon & Auction co-chair