April 1st marks the opening day of trout season in New York.
Exceptional opportunities to catch many different species, both wild and stocked, await anglers. Check out the helpful resources below to better plan your next fishing trip. DEC fish hatchery staff have been busy stocking hundreds of thousands of trout throughout the state. The 2020 Spring Trout Stocking summary has now been posted on its website. When all is said and done, 2.27 million catchable-size brook, brown, and rainbow trout will be stocked in 307 lakes and ponds and roughly 2,845 miles of streams across the state. Add in nearly 1.6 million yearling lake trout, steelhead, landlocked salmon, splake, and coho salmon and you get an angler’s paradise in New York State. Additionally, the state is blessed with an abundance of wild trout resources for anglers to enjoy.
Not only are the fish plentiful, so are the access opportunities. DEC’s Places to Fish webpages provide helpful information on fishing access sites, Public Fishing Rights on streams (don’t forget to get landowner permission) and what species you can expect to find in a particular water body.
Practical Advice from a Master Angler
By Lefty Kreh
B/w illus; 5×8 inches, 96 pgs.
Lefty Kreh is one of the most experienced, well-prepared, and thoughtful anglers in the world. In this book her shares this wealth of experience with a variety of commonsense solutions to the problems that anglers face. Including: how to pacify a fish, which hook-sharpening tools to use, when & how to take a rod apart when it’s stuck, what to do when a fish runs under your boat, how to dry waders & find leaks, & much more. Buy Now