As Mike explained who he was and pointed up the hill to our home, the woman then exclaimed “oh, you live with Cameron!”

I have written several times in the past about how dogs have plans to move in and take over your house and life — just as I have done at Mike’s home. In fact, several folks refer to the residence we share as “The Cameron House,” har har!

Once, when Mike was out of town for several weeks, I moved across the street to live with neighbors. They were great hosts and took me to ball games, concerts in the park, restaurants and many other exciting places. On those around-town excursions I met hundreds of folks. Who doesn’t like a small puppy with blue eyes and large ears? I went everywhere with the hosts and was the most popular dog of the town for several weeks — until Mike returned.

After his return, Mike and I were on the sidewalk one day when one of my new friends came along, stopped and petted me, and called my name as the rubbing continued. Then she suddenly looked up at Mike and asked “who are you?”

As Mike explained who he was and pointed up the hill to our home, the woman then exclaimed “oh, you live with Cameron!” Mission accomplished, I had taken over and Mike was living with me. This topic often comes up around my home and all Mike can do is push aside some of my blankets, toys, bags of treats and other stuff and just settle in — until I need something. He is becoming much better at fetching. It has taken a while, but I believe I have him almost fully trained, har har!

And life goes on in “The Cameron House.” —Cameron


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