Only when Mike pushed me did I stop. He was saving me from an embarrassing error.

I like to hunt, and even enjoy going to deer and elk camps, though pesky hooman rules keep me from participating in most of the hunting action. I like chasing deer, elk, pronghorns (fill in the blank here because I like chasing and hunting overall). On the hunt is generally when my wolf ancestor also comes out. Count me in on the chase and hunt!

Last fall Mike and his friend, Marlon, came back to the truck pulling a dead deer (Woo hoo!). When they opened the door of the vehicle to get some tools for completing the field dressing chores, I hopped out and dashed to the deer. In true wolf fashion, I bit in and latched on. Wow, I had a deer! OK, I had never been this close to a deer carcass and my excitement took over — I bit into the south end of a north-bound buck. Hair and hide flew everywhere as I gnawed and tugged in true wolf style.

Only when Mike pushed me did I stop. He was saving me from an embarrassing error. I was biting the wrong area! I had latched onto this deer’s, uhm — posterior.

You could say my little mistake made me the “butt” of the many jokes and guffaws that ensued. But, hey, I helped with the skinning (partly) and I added some excitement to the boring field-dressing chores.

While the deer has been chopped, wrapped and frozen, the crude jokes about butt munching and biting on the wrong end of that deer keep coming. I am so embarrassed that I may wear a disguise the next time I go to a big game hunting camp, har har!

The lesson: watch carefully before munching on a deer or elk. Select the correct end, enjoy the hunt and be careful on what you sink your teeth into. —Cameron


Training Your Pointing Dog for Hunting & Home describes how to develop an obedient gun dog that is also an affectionate family companion, with training schedules and advice on everything from handling a newborn pup to teaching advanced field techniques and finely tuned pointing manners. This book presents a simplified, commonsense approach that can be used in its entirety or to troubleshoot individual aspects of your dog’s education. Buy Now