With lions, wolves and grizzlies on the increase, I may start wearing a bulletproof vest when I go to these remote areas.

I like hiking in fields and forests to sniff about for deer, elk, birds and rodents. Now, however, I must look over my shoulder and stay alert for mountain lions, wolves and grizzly bears — oh my! Those critters have me on their list of things to attack — ugh. Those threats are increasing in numbers and locations.

Just the other day Mike was reading — I know, I am also surprised that he can read, har har! — about a wandering grizzly bear that traveled nearly 100 miles after being captured and released. The map Mike showed me had the grizzly wandering right up a valley and along a river that I go along on fishing trips with Mike. OK, much like his shooting and many misses, he also catches few fish, har har!

Early this past spring when we were fishing — make that more like hiking about with a fly rod in hand — we scrambled through dense brush to return to a trailhead and Mike’s truck. Then, he spotted it — a massive grizzly track in the snow on the trail. Yikes! The bad news was the bruin was using the trail and headed to the trailhead where we were also headed. Mike called me over, put me on a leash and we headed slowly down the trail. We safely made it back to the truck but this is the same valley where we have seen bears and bear tracks nearly every time we fish there. Rumor has it that mountain lions and wolves also roam there.

I may start wearing a bulletproof vest when I go to these remote areas. If you want to support the cause and hunt those beasts there, contact me and I will send a map of where these dangerous beasts lurk. More good news is that rumbling has begun about a grizzly bear season. I’m in favor of that, har har! —Cameron


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