With the confidence instilled by the supportive and trustworthy technology of Aimpoint sights, hunters can be at ease knowing they have the best red dot sight for the money.

SPONSORED CONTENT        The year 2020 had myriad effects on the way our world operates, but not all have been negative. In fact, it has actually propelled the appreciation and even the necessity for hunting. But with an increase in the number of hunters comes the necessity for tools that make them successful. Aimpoint’s reflex red dot sight aims to do just that.

Hunting participation was on a downward trend prior to 2020. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recorded a loss of 255,000 hunters from 2016 to 2020. However, 2020 license sales and other indicators reveal that interest in hunting is on the rise. There are many factors contributing to this increase. Some include the desire to get out of the house or sportsmen having more time to spend in the field. It could even be caused by the growing need for families to hunt and gather their own food.

While it is exciting to see the hunting community grow and prosper, many of these hunters are venturing afield for the very first time. For new hunters there is much to learn, and as lifelong hunters can attest, one can never be too prepared. When we are prepared, we are confident. Confidence is something shooters new to the sport often struggle with the most. This is especially true of those learning as an adult.

There are many elements that must come together before ever pulling the trigger. For example, the shooter should maintain the proper stance and remember to breathe. Then they must check the safety and always be situationally aware of their surroundings. Remembering and executing these steps is crucial for a successful first shot. With a lack of assurance, add a trophy buck in the mix and a dose of adrenaline, and you have a recipe for potentially spastic shooting, or worse, lost or wounded game.

To make things easier, Aimpoint designed and patented the first electronic red dot sight with the goal being to ensure confidence in shooters of all skill levels through ease of use, quick and smooth target acquisition and the ability to shoot with both eyes open. In utilizing a tool that supports the hunter in these “weak spots,” he maximizes the opportunity to take down his quarry in a single shot. This is the ultimate goal of any true hunter.

Reflex Sight vs. Red Dot

“Red dot sight” is a general term used for sights that use a red (or sometimes green) dot. In a reflex red dot sight, a low power LED light is projected onto a lens. This projected dot hits the lens and reflects back to your eyes. These types of sights are very lightweight and compact thanks to their traditional tube design. All of the components are housed inside. They are also very resilient against extreme temperatures.

Holographic sights use mirrors and a laser to project the red dot onto your target image. Unlike other red dot sights, holographic sights allow you to focus on both the target and reticle at the same time because they’re both in the same focal plane. They also work if the front lens is damaged.

Prism sights are slightly less expensive than holographic sights. Because they use prisms to focus the image rather than using lenses, prism sights are smaller than other red dot sights. However, smaller size means less eye relief. These usually include magnification and work best for longer distance shooting.

The Best Red Dot Sight for the Money

The best sight for the money is a reflex red dot sight. Similar to the holographic sight, reflex sights make it fast and simple to acquire your target. They’re operationally parallax-free, which means the visible dot remains parallel to the bore of your gun no matter what angle your eye is in relation to the sight. Therefore, the user never has to worry about centering the dot inside the sight. A reflex sight such as Aimpoint’s is ideal for shooting recreationally, hunting and is trusted by law enforcement, military and training professionals worldwide. They also use little battery power, unlike the prism or holographic sights. In fact, they can go years without a battery change.

How to Aim With a Red Dot Sight

The red dot sight technology invented by Aimpoint allows a shooter to do what comes naturally — keep both eyes open while focusing on a target. When a shooter is focused on the target and brings their sight into view, the brain notices the red dot. When the red dot is on the target, you’re on target.  This allows for quick target acquisition. It is this combination of speed and accuracy that makes red dot sights the preferred choice for beginners and experts alike.

For new hunters or hunters returned from hiatus, though, speed isn’t always at the top of the priority list. First come the building blocks of stance, follow-through, breath and trigger control. Without these key elements, speed becomes the quickest way to a missed shot. The Aimpoint sight “gets you up to speed,” so to speak, by making target acquisition simple. This allows for more concentration on those crucial building blocks.

Both Eyes Open

Out-of-practice hunters may not be trained to tune out distractions while also maintaining situational awareness. For example, it takes practice to ignore the concentration-breaking squirrel rustling behind you. You must also maintain awareness of potential dangers in your peripheral. The Aimpoint sight tackles this by maximizing the field of view and allowing hunters to shoot with both eyes open.

This helps both in limiting distractions and supporting the ever-important situational awareness required for effective shooting. It also means unlimited eye relief. While comparable optics require the same cheek/eye position every time, Aimpoint offers more wiggle room. This is especially accommodating for new shooters who may still be practicing their mount and positioning.

Instills Confidence

New shooters experience the normal anxieties we all feel when learning something new. Hunting is challenging enough without the distractions and self-doubt. With the confidence instilled by the supportive and trustworthy technology of Aimpoint sights, hunters can feel at ease knowing they have the best sight for the money. These premium quality sights have legendary ruggedness and unmatched reliability. This means lifelong hunters and new hunters alike can trust this sight when it matters most.

Whatever your reason may be for joining or re-joining the sporting world this year: welcome. It may be overwhelming, to say the least. There is a long list of factors to take into consideration before ever pulling the trigger. But by taking some of the “think work” off your plate, Aimpoint sights give you the opportunity to hone your skills while still managing to land your target. Take the think work off your plate and put a delicious venison recipe there instead.