The 18th annual Southern Side-by-Side Championship & Exhibition Spring Classic is coming to Sanford, North Carolina, this weekend, and Sporting Classics will be there. Come out to the Deep River Shooting School and experience the classic shotguns and competitive shooting that make this event so memorable.

The Classic takes place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, with multiple competitions occurring throughout the weekend. There are black-powder-only, sub-gauge, and big-bore shoots, as well as a classic-slide-action event.

This year also marks the 14th annual Parker Brothers and L.C. Smith Challenge Cup. The silver trophy will be awarded Sunday.

There will be countless vendors, shotgun appraisals, and unbeatable camaraderie to be enjoyed—as there are every year. Be sure to stop by the big tent and see Sporting Classics; take advantage of special subscription rates and purchase the latest and greatest sporting titles and products.

For more information, visit