Holland  & Holland’s Aim for the Future

Holland & Holland’s Aim for the Future

Holland & Holland, long respected for producing firearms of the highest quality, was acquired in 2021 by the Beretta Holding Group from the French perfume company, Chanel. For three decades, the French company tried to redefine and reinvent the venerable old gun...
Flooded-Timber Mallards

Flooded-Timber Mallards

Daylight promised its coming in typical Delta fashion. Scudding clouds that produced off-and-on splatters of heavy, iced rain drops riding a north wind that hardly qualified as gusts. Still, that wind was more than ample to toy with denuded oaks, easily making eager...
The Boat

The Boat

Sit in it and my knees begin to hurt, my back starts aching, my shoes get soaked. Then, this green time machine pulls me into the past, and slowly the pains fade.

The Old Songs

The Old Songs

Sing me the old songs. Tell me the stories of times gone by. I want to spend an evening or so with you to hear about your dogs. I want to see your guns. I want to read your favorite books. I want to warm my hands in front of your fire and try     your pipe tobacco and...
Generations Of Sheep Hunting

Generations Of Sheep Hunting

Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in far southwestern Arizona is remote beyond compare, yet afforded one family a most uncommon sheep hunting experience. Autumn is for remembering. The last light of summer yields to the first beautiful days of fall. This time of...
The Story of the Sporting Gun

The Story of the Sporting Gun

Firearms, of a sort, are supposed to have been used before gunpowder was invented; but the history of sporting guns is not concerned with the prototypes of these early weapons, and they need not be specified. Nor do the early cannon devised for military purposes call...
The 270 Winchester: A Very Fast Ball

The 270 Winchester: A Very Fast Ball

The Model T, Coolidge, then Depression defined the 1920s. Winchester added the 270. It alone endures. Night’s chill lies late in Spoon Creek. I slipped into cold wool and left the tent before dawn was a pale smudge. Breath white, I climbed through the timber to a bald...