How to Plan a Successful Fishing Trip

How to Plan a Successful Fishing Trip

Having a successful fishing trip depends on how you plan for success. Planning will help regardless if your goal is to catch a state record fish, or escape from chores for the day. Remember that some days we catch fish on bare hooks, while others days we just go...
Driven Bird Shooting in Idaho

Driven Bird Shooting in Idaho

How the European sport of royalty has come to the American West What if you could enjoy driven red-legged partridge in stunning and steep terrain, the kind of presentation made famous in the hills of Spain…but without the jet lag? That was the notion of Lars...
Top of the Flyway

Top of the Flyway

This week on Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey… It’s a wingshooting adventure in North America’s waterfowl factory as brothers Chris and Joe Dorsey head to the prairie pothole region of central Alberta for epic duck and goose hunting with Ranchland...
ICAST Presents 2020 New Product Awards

ICAST Presents 2020 New Product Awards

American Sportfishing Association held its 2020 ICAST show with 434 new products entered by more than 180 companies. American Sportfishing Association held its first “virtual” ICAST show in July. Despite not having the face-to-face interaction everyone enjoyed at the...
Dreams of Duxbak Days

Dreams of Duxbak Days

One of my favorite quotations from noted sporting scribe and unofficial poet laureate of the bobwhite, Havilah Babcock, suggests “boyhood improves with age, and the more remote it is the nicer boyhood seems to become.” There’s wisdom aplenty in his words, and as I...
One Family’s Quest to Save a Species…Through Hunting

One Family’s Quest to Save a Species…Through Hunting

The comeback story of one of the most unique antelope in the world Mention Ethiopia to a westerner and images of drought and famine come to mind, an impoverished land wrapped in tragedy and sadness where pity is a leading export. Thus, imagine my surprise as I land in...
How to Make Your Own Cane Pole Fishing Rig

How to Make Your Own Cane Pole Fishing Rig

Making a cane pole fishing rig: A do-it-yourself project for sportsmen of all ages Several months back I wrote a piece for Sporting Classics Daily touting the virtues and versatility of cane poles as a fishing tool. What I should have done then was follow that...
Beginning Again Come July

Beginning Again Come July

“In every journey the road will bend. Who can know how the story will wend? To every beginning, there must come an end.” Cliché? Maybe, but profoundly, as inescapable truths that bracket the birth-to-death limits of our being. In the between time, there is...