The Fall

The Fall

Camp’s poem, “The Fall” was originally published in the October, 1897 issue of Outing. Now soon will come the summer’s angry strife With winter foes; and many a gloomy day. The sky, the battle-ground, where blue and gray Their struggle long since...
Among the Grouse

Among the Grouse

There is a special magic to be found in hunting this majestic bird with grouse dogs and good friends through a joyous palette of autumn colors. I never intended for grouse hunting to become such a passion. Only now, after more than 40 years of joyously stumbling about...
Dove Hunting and the Making of a Sportsman

Dove Hunting and the Making of a Sportsman

Arguably the finest of all the myriad bonuses associated with a dove shoot is taking along a youngster not yet old enough to carry a gun. A late friend of mine, Roy Turner, liked to refer to the opening day of dove season as “Christmas in September.” That description...
Iowa Teal Hunting Begins September 1

Iowa Teal Hunting Begins September 1

Iowa’s 16-day statewide teal-only hunting season begins September 1 and all indicators are pointing towards hunters having a good year in Iowa. “We likely had good production on our marshes this spring. Currently wetland conditions vary across the state with many...
Goose Hunt for the Girls

Goose Hunt for the Girls

Sisterhood hunt in western Nebraska raises funds for a local breast health center. Sitting in a pit blind has its drawbacks. The daily scenes of the outdoor world are the greatest thrill of hunting. It’s like a real-life nature film playing out in IMAX 3D right in...
Recipe for Chukar Piccata

Recipe for Chukar Piccata

Resident chef at Highland Hills Ranch, Keith Potter, shares his secrets to creating the ultimate chukar piccata. Ingredients 2 packages Chukar (total of 6 birds, or 12 breast halves) *quail or huns may also be substituted. 1 1/2 cups flour Salt and pepper for...