The fame of the game red bird overseas is too well known to require any comment here. Besides, in the matter of grouse, we have troubles not a few of our own. That the British bird is a grand fellow goes without saying, but the question if he be the head of his race...
Daylight promised its coming in typical Delta fashion. Scudding clouds that produced off-and-on splatters of heavy, iced rain drops riding a north wind that hardly qualified as gusts. Still, that wind was more than ample to toy with denuded oaks, easily making eager...
Get ready for an epic adventure in Greenland as Chris Dorsey and friends hunt eider and muskox in this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey on Outdoor Channel. The team of Dorsey, Terry Graunke, Steve Farris and Charlie Potter navigate through...
It is an epic celebration of ducks and geese at the top of the flyway as Chris Dorsey and friends hunt waterfowl in Saskatchewan in this week’s episode of Sporting Classics TV. Catch the action Monday at 12:30 pm, Tuesday 7:30 am, Thursday 2:30 pm, and Sundays...
Sing me the old songs. Tell me the stories of times gone by. I want to spend an evening or so with you to hear about your dogs. I want to see your guns. I want to read your favorite books. I want to warm my hands in front of your fire and try your pipe tobacco and...
It was a Federal Criminal Conspiracy: three boys, a cannon barrel and scaup to drive them crazy. The saltwater scaup are mostly gone now, but back when I was a boy they would raft offshore, a thousand, ten thousand at a time. It would take a booming gale to get them...