When I started graduate school at Florida State University, I had never seen a sawfish in the wild, but I was excited to be part of the recovery of a species I had been so awestruck by in aquariums. The smalltooth sawfish, the only sawfish found in Florida, has been...
The 2019/2020 fire season in Australia has been catastrophic. The latest figures estimate 46 million acres have burned, 36 people died and a mind-boggling loss of 1 billion animals including some species that are on the brink of extinction. These numbers are growing...
The diverse Florida Indian River Lagoon is being poisoned by a booming human population. Last May, while visiting friends in Edgewater, Florida, I enjoyed a boat ride out to Mosquito Lagoon. My best old buddy in the world, Jim Carver, and his cousins Greg, Fred and...
On September 1, Hurricane Dorian stalled over the northern Bahamas islands with sustained winds over 185 mph – the highest windspeed of any Atlantic hurricane recorded at landfall. The resulting damage to the Abaco Islands and Grand Bahama was catastrophic as the...
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) 2019-2020 High School Fishing Program offers high school fishing clubs or teams the opportunity to apply for the Florida Sport Fish Restoration R3 Fishing Grant. This grant program is focused on recruiting...
At 63 feet long and weighing more than 60 tons, the old sperm whale was truly a leviathan from the depths. The bull’s ghost gray hide was worn from age and heavily scarred from decades of fights with deep-roaming squid and battles with rival males competing for...
The red tide organism, Karenia brevis, was observed at background concentrations in Southwest Florida and Northwest Florida over the past week. Additional details are provided below. In Southwest Florida over the past week, K. brevis was observed at background...
Chasing tarpon on the keys with, many say, the world’s greatest fisherman, Stu Apte. For many more exciting fishing and hunting adventures, watch Sporting Classics TV with Chris Dorsey, now on The Outdoor Channel. Times are 12:30 pm ET on Saturdays, and 6:30...
The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition is proud to support the Carolina Billfish Classic with SEWE partner Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina. As the third leg of the SC Governor’s Cup Billfishing Series, June 19-22, 2019, the CBC marks an exciting time for anglers in...
While things weren’t looking promising for hunting in the 2016 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, the same report revealed fishing recruitment efforts were enjoying far more success. From 2011 to 2016, fishing participation grew...