These unique wildlife art prints and originals are from the private collection of Chuck Wechsler, editor of Sporting Classics for 35 years. Each piece includes framing as shown and is custom packaged to ensure safe delivery. Click Here to View All

African Lions at Rest by Bob Kuhn
Limited Edition Print #8/180.
Frame Size: 40 x 21 inches.
$1,250 BUY NOW


On the Move by Dan Metz
Original Oil on Canvas.
Frame Size: 42 x 36 inches.
$5,150 BUY NOW


At Rest by Dan Metz
Original Conte Crayon on Canvas.
Frame Size: 29 x 18 inches.
$1,850 BUY NOW


Timber Wolves By Dan Metz
Original Oil on Canvas, 1979.
Frame Size: 32 x 38 inches.
$2,650 BUY NOW


Oryx by Ron Van Gilder
Original Pencil Drawing
Framed Size: 20 x 16 inches.
$750 BUY NOW

Original, signed illustration by Bob Kuhn, circa 2006.
Possibly depicting Ernest Hemingway on his first African safari.
Frame dimensions: 31 x 14 inches.
$1,750 BUY NOW


Grand Passage by Ron Van Gilder
Limited Edition Print #4/75.
Frame Size: 38 x 21 inches.
$650 BUY NOW


Soaring High—Bald Eagle by Wayne Meineke
Artist’s Proof Print.
Frame Size: 38 x 32 inches.
$650 BUY NOW


Minnesota Legacy—Split Rock Goldeneye by Ron Van Gilder
Limited Edition Print #4/500.
Frame Size: 37 x 28 inches.
$550 BUY NOW


Goldeneyes in Flight by David A. Maass
Limited Edition Print #454/850.
Frame Size: 33 x 26 inches.
$550 BUY NOW


Each piece includes quality framing as shown and is custom packaged to ensure safe transit. Click Here to View All