You hoomans seems to be list makers — for everything. I know lists help you reach goals and stay organized, so here goes with my 2023 New Year resolutions list.

First, get some huns, alias Hungarian partridges. Those birds are like small rockets with hyper-speed burners built in. When you find them, they zip away and rarely hold tight — make that never hold tight, har har! These small, elusive birds are also magicians because where you see them is not where they are — they have moved further to the side or away. Where you see them is where they were the second before. They have moved on and it’s one big illusion. I believe when I have pushed these small rockets into the air, Mike has shot a box of shotshells at them and has always come up empty handed. I need to hunt with someone else, har har!

Next, more pheasants are on my New Year hit list. I like pheasants and they both smell good and are fun to hunt. When these birds explode into the air, there’s cackling, wing flapping and squawking. When all this happens, I get excited. Weimaraners are known for high energy and when a pheasant I have discovered goes airborne, I nearly explode. These are big targets so a tip of the hat to Mike because he does not often miss.

As an aside note, pheasant breasts are great when wrapped in bacon and grilled. When Mike opens the refrigerator I point to the meat drawer where the bacon is and he knows to grill me something/anything wrapped in bacon or just fix me some bacon. Everything is better with bacon. I want more bacon in the New Year, har har!

Finally on my 2023 list is hunting more new areas — and hunting more often. I was on the road or in the field about 14 weeks in the 2022 hunting season. All kinds of grouse and ducks found their way in my mouth and fetched back to Mike — so I expect to get more of this in 2023. You simply cannot hunt too much. Hunting with Mike also means job security for folks at the Federal and Winchester shotshell factories. They are loudly applauding now, har har! He shoots a lot, misses often — but sometimes birds fall. Sometimes.

Wow, my list is done and seems to be better than some of the hooman lists I have seen. If you do make a New Year’s list, add dog treats to the list. Here’s best wishes for your 2023 bird hunts. Git em! —Cameron


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