From bull-riding royalty to becoming a member of one of the outdoor world’s most prominent families, Luke Snyder still has life by the horns.

There are few guarantees in life but this one is a lead-pipe cinch: If you ever have the pleasure of meeting bull-riding legend Luke Snyder, the man will be smiling.

Luke rose to become a member of PBR royalty as a perennial contender and frequent champion in the PBR Built Ford Tough Series, earning $1.7 million over his career while racking up 34 top-five finishes to go along with five tour wins. Along the way he became a fan favorite for his toughness and tenacity along with, yes, that ever-present smile.

After some ups and downs (literally) in his bull-riding career, Luke permanently etched his name in the PBR history books when he took the first-ever title of Last Man Standing back in 2011.

“That was my proudest moment for sure,” he recalls. “It was the twilight of my career, and I knew I could still compete, but the results just weren’t coming.

“In the Last Man event, thirty-five riders started at square one. If you stayed on your bull, you moved on. Because I was one of the older guys and hadn’t done much for a while, pretty much nobody thought I would win it. Well, when the last round came, it was just me and three other guys. I was the last one to ride and it was winner-take-all. It was a real pressure situation, and I rode my bull for a ninety-point ride and took the title.”

You might wonder how Luke was able to revive his career when most cowboys are looking to ride off into the sunset. Easy. He met a good woman who inspired him to pour his heart into his profession and every facet of his life. Her name? Jennifer Marra, daughter of Bass Pro Shops founder, Johnny Morris.

“After I met Jen in 2009, I refocused on what it took to really compete and win, and things started to change for me,” Luke recalls. “That win – together with Jen’s support and inspiration – spring-boarded me to rededicate myself, and I was able to put together several more good years.”

Although he retired from bull riding in 2013, Luke remains one of the sport’s biggest stars, and put that popularity to work by making promotional appearances for Bass Pro Shops. He’s also active in several important causes including Sons of the Flag, a charity dedicated to helping burn survivors (learn more at along with the Chris Kyle Memorial Trust (, which raises funds for the families of American Sniper Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield who were murdered by a deeply troubled veteran they were trying to help.

“I am very fortunate to be able to do what I love to do,” he says. “But it’s never far from my mind that the only reason we can do anything is because of the guys – the heroes – over there fighting for our freedom. I’m humbled to be able to help in my small ways.”

In addition to his marketing job and charity work, Luke pursues his passion for the outdoors where his experiences in the ring are paying dividends in the field.

“Hunting is the closest thing I can find to riding a bull like Bushwacker. The hardest part of bull riding was the waiting around to do it. The initial adrenaline dump that comes when that chute opens is incredible, so you have to make your moment count. It’s the same thing with hunting. You put so much effort into just getting the shot – the scouting, finding the right animal, making the stalk and then, when all the pressure’s on, making a clean shot. I love every part of it.”

After making two highly-rated appearances on PBR Outdoors – produced by Orion Entertainment and running on the Outdoor Channel – Luke is slated to appear in an upcoming episode as he and host Steve LeBlanc go to New Zealand in pursuit of sitka and fallow deer.

Through all the success and failure, all the highs and lows, Luke is always wearing his signature smile, the sign of a man who has found true success in life. And he knows exactly why.

“I always say if you’re happy with your family life, it reflects in your professional life. For me, Jen is everything I ever wished for – and more. We’ve been married about a year and a half now and things are going great. We live in the country just outside of Springfield, Missouri, and my office is just six miles away. Jen gets along with all my friends and she doesn’t mind my hunting and fishing. I always said if I could find a girl like that, I would try to hang on to her and that’s just what I’m doing.”

From bull-riding royalty to becoming a member of one of the outdoor world’s most prominent families, Luke Snyder still has life by the horns and as usual, he’s doing it on his own terms.

“They say bull riding can either retire you or the other way around,” Luke says, “I was able to call my shot, and I feel very fortunate to do have done that. Now I’m excited about my career, my family and whatever the future may bring.”

Today, Luke is a marketing executive with legions of fans who seek him out at every appearance he makes. He’s also a man in love with a fine woman and was even inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame last year.

Add it all up and it’s easy to see why Luke Snyder is always smiling.

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