Notes on Dangerous Game

Notes on Dangerous Game

The Third Tanganyika Letter This article originally appeared in the July 1934 issue of Esquire magazine. In the ethics of shooting dangerous game is the premise that the trouble you shoot yourself into you must be prepared to shoot yourself out of. Since a man making...

Lord of the Savanna

Lord of the Savanna

Most African safaris have become somewhat leisurely activities in which hunting from vehicles is the primary method of locating wild game. But there are still a few animals that can be pursued only in the kind of primitive, harsh environments typical of ancient...

Ruark On Safari: Politics

Ruark On Safari: Politics

An excerpt from Ruark Remembered by Alan Ritchie who served as Ruark’s personal secretary for 12 years. Up until the last year or so of Bob's life, there was always a great urgency in his writing, an impatience in his attitude toward his work, and the desire to get on...