A Splendid Old Fellow

A Splendid Old Fellow

In this fascinating excerpt from African Game Trails, TR lives up to his ‘stand firm’ philosophy as he takes on a charging lion. On this same evening we rode campward facing a wonderful sunset. The evening was lowering and overcast. The darkening plains stretched dim...

A Hippo For Christmas

A Hippo For Christmas

“I wanna hippopotamus for Christmas…only a hippopotamus will do….” Those lyrics kept running through my mind as I stowed gear in Omujeve Safari’s Ivory Camp on the backwater banks of the Kwando River in Namibia’s Zambezi Strip. The comfortable en-suite tent would...

Trouble with Lions

Trouble with Lions

For weeks on end, deadly man-eaters would plague Arthur Neumann’s safari. The English hunter, Arthur Neumann, was still recovering from a terrible mauling by an angry cow elephant in the Lake Rudolph area of British East Africa (now Lake Turkana, Kenya). The year was...