Dog Names

Dog Names

Well, there are now lists for everything — including popular dog names. I was surfing the web and looking for more stuff to order when a list popped up — the Most Popular Dog Names. I had to look — and could not find Cameron anywhere. Who made this list? On the list I...

Gear for Birdhunters

Gear for Birdhunters

Happy opening day of dove season, America. Across the country, millions of bird hunters celebrate this unofficial holiday of sorts by heading to sunflower patches, milo fields and watering holes to test their wingshooting skills on one of the hunting world’s toughest...

Fishing is Like Work!

Fishing is Like Work!

On the offseason I get to fish — a lot. But fishing (not necessarily catching) with Mike sure feels like work! Well, it has been a long hot summer of tagging along as Mike fishes. Now, I did not say he was catching — just fishing, har har! On the downside of these...