Every Man Goes Out Alone

Every Man Goes Out Alone

It is not a thing life prepares one for, no matter how much meat has been secured in this fashion following a successful elk or deer hunt. The name fits. Clyde. I picture a "Clyde" and see leathery features beneath a black, grease-crusted Stetson, floppy leather chaps...

Roosevelt’s Last Hunt

Roosevelt’s Last Hunt

"The man should have youth and strength who seeks adventure in the wide, waste spaces of the earth, in the marshes, and among the vast mountain masses, in the northern forests, amid the streaming jungles of the tropics, or on the deserts of sand or of snow. He must...

Deep South Bugs and Bucks: When Itches Collide

Deep South Bugs and Bucks: When Itches Collide

Lowcountry of South Carolina. Two-thirds of my county is underwater at high tide. If it bites, it lives here.   Deer flies, horse flies, dog flies, chiggers, sand-gnats, three flavors of ticks, assassin beetles, 56 separate species of mosquitoes, any number of...

New Year’s Eve was a Dark and Doggy Night

New Year’s Eve was a Dark and Doggy Night

I did not intend to be stuck deep in the woods on a moonless night, one so dark you could feel the blackness wrap around you. But two of my beagles saw to it that New Year's Eve 2018 was a memorable one, although less than celebratory. Anyone who has owned beagles...

A Splendid Old Fellow

A Splendid Old Fellow

In this fascinating excerpt from African Game Trails, TR lives up to his ‘stand firm’ philosophy as he takes on a charging lion. On this same evening we rode campward facing a wonderful sunset. The evening was lowering and overcast. The darkening plains stretched dim...