Sporting Heritage Timeline
A timeline is a great mirror in which we can rediscover how truly marvelous our journey has been. Time is the protoplasm of destiny, the stay of our years as indefinite as the flesh of our bones, and within its meager allotment each man strives for immortality....

Dog Fight
What gives with such shabby treatment toward man’s best friend? After a week of sunshine, the field made muddy by heavy spring rains transformed the clover and alfalfa into a thick sea of green. There were lots of wildflowers, and the few I could identify—primrose,...

The Art of Frogging
Frogs don’t carry swords or pistols, but they look as though they wish they could. Frogs are physically incapable of smiling, but they can look insufferably smug, as if they know something the rest of us don’t. Maybe they do. What I know is that frogs are biologically...

Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey TV Ratings Jump 20% in 2024
The popular Outdoor Channel series Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey saw a dramatic 20% increase in audience from 2023 to 2024. The series reached 2.38 million households with 2.7 million unique views over the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2024. In addition to the...

A Winter’s Bone
Damn cold. The stove has died during the night, down to coals. I’m completely awake, just opening my eyes to the dark of the cabin. The creaking I hear as I get out of the bed isn’t just the old bunk springs, it’s my bum elbow and that damn left knee. I heave an...

Eating A Mountain
I take off one afternoon to run up a mountain above my home to look for the false morels that sometimes grow in the burned forests there. It’s one of the mountains that feeds my family, one of the mountains on which we are fortunate enough some years to take a deer or...

Visions of the Bight
And it shall come to pass in those days that your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.

A Rabbit Chase On Ice
All night it rained and froze. I could hear through the slightly opened windows the steady drip, drip, drip, and the low, clattering sound of the swaying branches, like the rattle of glass-pendants on a chandelier. Toward morning, the rain ceased and it turned very...

Nashville To Host Ultimate Hunting Show: SCI
If you walk the rows of the Safari Club International Convention—known as the Super Bowl of hunting shows—prepare for sensory overload. Every aisle is a trail leading to different adventures across the globe. Perhaps there’s a buffalo safari in Tanzania, a brown bear...

Buffalo Bill: Famous Hunting Parties of the Plains
No individual so personified the American West and spirit of the late 1800s as William Frederick “Buffalo Bill” Cody. Pony Express rider, scout and legendary hunter, Buffalo Bill and his popular Wild West show toured the U.S. and Europe for more than 30 years. Cody...