Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 17 Trailer
This week's episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey features a dream fulfilled for the lucky winner of SCI's Adventure of a Lifetime Sweepstakes with a hunt for big game in New Zealand and an impressive haul of prizes. Check out Sporting Classics with Chris...

The Russell Travelling Sportsman Classic Build
Introducing the Travelling Sportsman Classic Build A Russell classic, the original Traveling Sportsman Chukka was developed for Sporting Classics magazine, who had limited space to pack for their remote international adventures. The goal was to be able to hunt, hike,...

September’s Lessons
It was the kind of heat that has weight—like an enormous hand pressing down. Every so often a puffy cloud would pass, obscuring the sun and providing a few moments of blessed relief. But then the sky would clear, the sun’s unblinking gaze would hammer down once again,...

New England Woodcock and Storied Shotguns
Storied is not exclusive to price tag or class. Occasionally the twain rub shoulders and have a bountiful supply of tales to tell, but there are no guarantees. This Purdey, however, had it all. Scratches and dings and rubbed-smooth spots. Cost? Likely something...

Home Coming Whitetails
The rustle of fallen white oak leaves littering the ground 30 feet below demanded my immediate attention. There, patches of brown moved. A deer! Heartbeat racing! Breathing? I am not certain I even took a breath. A solid hour before first light and under the cover of...

Down On the Border: Mearns’ Quail
I’d been following my Brittany, Tess, through the steep, rocky canyons of southeastern Arizona’s Coronado National Forest for the better part of an hour when her bell fell silent. I found her upslope—bug-eyed, trembling and stretched out on point—at the base of a live...

Fair Winds, My Brother: Daufuskie Family
Forget about deer stands,” he said. “Just boost your woman high up in a live oak late in the afternoon. That way you’ll know she’ll still be there when you come to fetch her home after sunset.” We were on his front porch, out of the wind on a chilly afternoon, easing...

Long-Range Shooting at Game
There is probably no subject connected with shooting about which so much nonsense has been written and spoken as the distance at which game can be killed with the rifle. This was bad enough in the days of muzzleloaders. It has become doubly bad in these days of...

Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 15 Trailer
This week's episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey features an epic hunt for red stag and fallow deer in the stunning mountains of New Zealand. Chris Dorsey returns to the south island to pursue big game with his old friend John Scurr in an adventure that...

Black Dog Handlers
For the past 43 years, on the first Monday in March, after the close of bobwhite quail season on the fabled plantations of the Red Hills Region that that spans Tallahassee, Florida, north to Thomasville, Georgia, the invitation-only Georgia-Florida Shooting Dog...