A Thanksgiving Shooting Trip
A holiday hunting trip becomes a fight for survival when the elements turn against two waterfowlers.
A Grouse & Woodcock Ironman
This bird hunt covered the same distance as three marathons and demanded half the time required by the Tour de France.
October Snow
Taking advantage of an early-season cold snap.
Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 20 Trailer
It is an epic celebration of ducks and geese at the top of the flyway as Chris Dorsey and friends hunt waterfowl in Saskatchewan in this week's episode of Sporting Classics TV. Catch the action Monday at 12:30 pm, Tuesday 7:30 am, Thursday 2:30 pm, and Sundays at...
Pheasants in the Mist
The October sky darkens and melts into the horizon, hovering briefly between shades of cobalt blue and gray. Barren fields, pocked and ridged like a nuclear wasteland, stretch out on either side of the truck as we speed through the twilight, tires singing on the...
New England Woodcock and Storied Shotguns
Storied is not exclusive to price tag or class. Occasionally the twain rub shoulders and have a bountiful supply of tales to tell, but there are no guarantees. This Purdey, however, had it all. Scratches and dings and rubbed-smooth spots. Cost? Likely something...
Down On the Border: Mearns’ Quail
I’d been following my Brittany, Tess, through the steep, rocky canyons of southeastern Arizona’s Coronado National Forest for the better part of an hour when her bell fell silent. I found her upslope—bug-eyed, trembling and stretched out on point—at the base of a live...
Brays Island Plantation: Your Sporting Life Awaits
SPONSORED CONTENT Brays Island Plantation is a unique coastal community dedicated to providing residents and their guests with an array of recreational opportunities suited to their outdoor lifestyle. To this end, Brays Island meticulously maintains an expansive...
Sporting Classics TV Season 6 Episode 14 Trailer
When bobwhite quail populations in West Texas plummeted in 2010, concerned hunters took notice and banded together to fund research to find a solution to the mystery. Now the efforts from the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation are bearing fruit for wildlife in...
The Glorious 12th: Hunting the Red Grouse
It sneaked up like an important birthday only insiders knew. We hardly deserved party invitations!