There is no better time for predator hunting than now!  Are you ready for the challenge?

Coyote Time

Overhead, southward bound February night clouds played peek-a-boo with the narrow crescent moon. Frigid north winds swirled about the comforting campfire’s flame sending skyward glowing embers, offerings to appease the cold lower Texas Panhandle night. Temperatures had steadily plummeted with the disappearance of the warming sun. Everything was right for hunting coyotes.

Coyotes yipped, yapped and yodeled in every direction, their unique serenade appreciated by those gathered around the glowing fire. At the suggestion of our host, Craig Archer, and fellow hunter, Eddie Stevenson, I threw another log on the fire. In the glow of the flames I could see Gary and Steve Roberson smile.

The morrow came grudgingly, gray and cold. In a hushed voice Gary Roberson spoke, “If a coyote or bobcat comes in to the right of that tallest mesquite almost straight ahead, you take him Larry.” I nodded. Gary turned to Eddie, “If one comes in to the left of that mesquite, he’s yours!” He continued, “I’ll watch behind, just in case one tries to slip in.”

Moments later Gary turned on his new electronic call which replicates exactly the same high-pitch sounds made by a distressed rabbit, sounds no other electronic call can presently achieve.

wild coyote

This coyote is on high alert in response to call of the Burnham Brothers’ Rogue. Photo courtesy Steve Roberson/Burnham Brothers Game Calls.

In less than a few heartbeats, a coyote appeared running through waist-high “wolf weeds.”  He weaved back and forth headed toward the Rogue’s speaker positioned in Eddie’s area. Seconds later Eddie shot.

Gary let the call play a couple more minutes, hoping another coyote might respond. When none did, Eddie retrieved his “take.” I walked toward Gary and his cameraman/son, Steve.

Said Gary as Eddie dragged the coyote up to where we waited, “Load him on the back of the pickup. Let’s go find another set up. Maybe we can call in another before lunch.”

coyote hunting

Burnham Brothers’ Gary Roberson with a coyote called in with the revolutionary Rogue electronic game call. Photo courtesy Larry Weishuhn Outdoors.

Why hunt coyotes?

Before our morning’s “coyote foray” was completed we called in and shot two more coyotes. Our plan to reduce the Hargrove Ranch predator population to boost the whitetail and mule deer fawn survival rates was working.

As a professional wildlife biologist long involved in wildlife management programs for whitetail, mule deer and other native wildlife, I had suggested Craig reduce the predator population during winter and then again in early spring, right before fawns are born.

When is the best time to hunt coyotes?

February and early March are great times hunt coyotes, as well as bobcats. In some states, the taking of bobcats is restricted or there is a “fur season,” the only time during which they can be taken. Always be sure to check your local regulations. Coyotes can be taken most places any time of the year.

What kind of call should I use when hunting coyotes?

I was initially anxious to see how Gary’s new game call “worked.” For the past several years, Gary has been involved in research regarding levels of sounds coyotes and bobcats can actually hear, measured in hertz. Research demonstrated we humans can hear up to 23,000 hertz, coyotes hear up to 45,000 hertz and bobcats can hear up to 64,000 hertz.

The standard electronic call with its recording and speaker systems can take sound levels up to 20,000 hertz, far below what coyotes and bobcats actually hear when a real rabbit squeals in distress. This is one of the reasons why, in areas that have been called to several times, coyotes and bobcats tend to no longer respond like they did the first and second time they heard those calls. The sounds made by the standard electronic calls soon simply do not sound “right” to predators!

hunting coyotes

Eddie Stevenson with a coyote called in on the Hargrove Ranches. Photo courtesy Larry Weishuhn Outdoors.

Gary and his technical team developed a system that records to the hertz levels made distressed rabbit and other prey. They also developed a speaker which broadcasts those “real” sounds to their actual hertz levels. He trademarked those techniques and equipment.

Interestingly, mouth blown calls, like the Burnham Brothers C-3, I carry with me everywhere I go produce higher hertz levels than those produced by current electronic calls. This is likely one of the reasons I have called in coyotes and bobcats in areas where I had been told they no longer respond to electronic calls.

What rifle should I use for hunting coyotes?

I love hunting coyotes and other predators with rifles chambered in .257 Roberts, .270 Win, .275 Rigby, .30-06, .300 H&H Mag and occasionally bigger rounds like the .405 Winchester and even the .450-400 NE 3-inch.

Bolt actions? Two of my current favorites are a 6.5×55 Swedish Mauser and a .280 Ackley Improved, which I also have in a single-shot.  All wear Trijicon’s AccuPoint or Huron scopes and shoot Hornady ammo extremely accurate!

These rounds sound big for 40-pound or less animals? Not to me! I prefer hunting coyotes and other predators with the same rifles, scopes and ammo combinations I use when hunting big game. Doing so is a great way to learn their capabilities and my abilities with them. To me, there is no such thing as “overkill” or “too much gun.”

Ruger No. 1 hunting rifle

One of Weishuhn’s usual hunting rifles, a Ruger No. 1, which he uses for both predators and big game. Photo courtesy Larry Weishuhn Outdoors.

Before a predator hunt, or, for that matter any other hunt, I spray down with Scent Guardian; clothes, hat, gloves, boots, binos, firearm and all other gear.  I also carry “shooting sticks” so I can rest my rifle for a precise shot. If I forget my commercial shooting sticks then I make my own, cutting three relatively straight limbs forty-inches long. I tie the three together about four inches from one end, creating a tripod. I learned long ago everyone shoots more accurately with a “properly rested” firearm, no matter the target!

There is no better time to hunt predators than now!  Are you ready for the challenge?


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