A crowd-sourced film that celebrates life in the heartland is coming to a theater near you.

The ideological fault lines running between the coasts and the American heartland, turning red and blue to code words, are manifesting in everything from politics and religion to television and films. For many middle Americans who are so often portrayed as uneducated rubes by coastal content companies, thereā€™s a move afoot to leave media giants behind and chart their own path forward.

For Liberatore, coastal media companies have treated heartland characters more as caricatures…and it’s time for that to change. COURTESY OF JIM LIBERATORE

For Jim Liberatore, the CEO of a Denver-based media company that owns cable channels and scores of magazines devoted to American hunters and anglers, itā€™s time to showcase the true heartland way of lifeā€¦and for tens of millions of red state residents that includes hunting.

ā€œThere are more than 45 million Americans who hunt and fish,” says Liberatore, “that’s more people than live in the country’s 10 largest cities but no one is engaging them…at least not in ways that showcase the truth about their lifestyle.Ā Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve brought a team together to createĀ The Harvest, a film that aims to help dispel myths about the way many middle Americans think and live.ā€

According to the Congressional Sportsmanā€™s Foundationā€”part of the largest bipartisan caucus of the U.S. Congressā€”American sportsmen are a $76 billion annual economic force. To put that in perspective, spending by hunters and anglers amounts to more than the revenues of Facebook and Yahoo combined. Hunters and anglers, moreover, outnumber motor sports fans by two to one. In fact, they could fill every NASCAR track 13 times over.

When it comes to funding conservation programs across the country, the National Shooting Sports Foundation says American sportsmen have done the heavy lifting for decades, despite what you might read or hear from coastal media giants. Hunters and anglers have contributed more than $11 billion through self-imposed excise taxes, to say nothing of billions more dollars contributed to non-profit conservation organizations.

The National Wildlife Refuge system, comprised of nearly 600 properties encompassing 150 million acres of habitat, is significantly funded by the sale of Federal Duck Stamps, required to hunt any migratory bird species in the U.S. These refuges are home to more than 2,000 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and fishā€”only a small fraction of which are hunted. In the 80 years since the beginning of the stamp program, hunters have paid nearly $1 billion toward the refuge system.

Waterfowl hunters have largely paid for the National Wildlife Refuge System through the sale of Federal Duck Stamps. These refuges are home to more than 2,000 species–only a handful of which are hunted. JOHN MACGILLIVRAY, DORSEY PICTURES

For Liberatore, a film that neither apologizes for the lifestyle nor pokes fun at it is long overdue. ā€œBringing in accomplished filmmakers to create an entertaining production that people on the coasts and middle America will enjoy and will find both endearing and challenging is the objective. Weā€™ll go straight at stereotypes and preconceived notions and audiences will be surprised as we detonate misconceptions about this way of life and the people who enjoy it. And we have a great story to tell given all the contributions of this community.ā€

Some of the team signing on to help make and distribute the film include industry heavyweight Michael Flaherty, the founder of his former company Walden Media, the production house behind such box office hits asĀ The Chronicles of Narnia, The Bridge to TerabithiaĀ andĀ Charlotteā€™s Web. Simon Swart, previously executive vice president of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, also is part of the veteran leadership team that will deliver the film.

Hunting and fishing in America is an $80 billion a year business, significantly fueling rural economies and providing healthy and sustainable sources of protein savored by millions of Americans. JOHN MACGILLIVRAY, DORSEY PICTURES

Another man who recognizes the size, scope and financial attractiveness of the American outdoor market is David Hill, the legendary former Fox Sports chief who told me, ā€œThere will be rivers of gold for those who can crack the media code to reach sportsmen and women.ā€

Moreover, a top executive of a multi-billion dollar coastal content and distribution company shared similar sentiments with me while we hunted feral hogs that have overpopulated the central coast region of California and damaged vineyards and other crops, ā€œThereā€™s no question that the outdoor market is under-served,ā€ he said, ā€œbut we donā€™t have plans to go after it at this point.ā€

The question is why? For Liberatore, the answer is that too many peopleā€”especially urban-dwellers with little to no connection to the land, wildlife or conservation practicesā€”simply donā€™t understand the role hunters have played in creating the most successful wildlife management model in the worldā€¦one that now sees game populations in most cases at all-time highs along with booming populations of many other species that benefit from the same habitat.

ā€œBut this isnā€™t going to be a public service message for hunting,ā€ says Liberatore. ā€œInstead, the film is a compelling story of one familyā€™s struggle to stay true to itself in an ever-changing world where values and tradition are so often sacrificed for acceptance and expediency.ā€

ā€œThe average urbanite simply doesnā€™t understand this way of life,ā€ he says, ā€œbecause their only connection to hunting is what they see from Hollywood portrayals and from television networks based in Los Angeles or New York. The pandemic and recent riots have accelerated the massive movement of people abandoning our dysfunctional cities and large percentages of our country are now looking to get back to the land. Itā€™s one reason we think this is the perfect time for such a film.ā€

According to Liberatore, recruiting the next generation of hunters and anglers is key to funding future conservation programs and the American model of wildlife management is the most successful effort of its kind in the world. JOHN MACGILLIVRAY, DORSEY PICTURES

Liberatore commissioned True North Marketing, a firm that surveyed 6,500 hunters to see just how viable a crowd-sourced film in the outdoor community might be. ā€œThe researchers were astonished by the remarkably high percentages of people who said theyā€™d be willing to contribute to the film. If even a fraction actually do, weā€™ll hit our $14 million funding goal easily,ā€ says Liberatore.

Finding a handful of investors to pony up to produce a film is another common approach to funding a movie, but Liberatore has held off activating several interested major investors. Instead, Ā he sees the crowd-sourced model as a way to demonstrate the power of the category. ā€œThe way we fund the film might be as important as the message in it,ā€ says Liberatore. ā€œAnd this is just the beginning of a new way forward in telling our story,ā€ he says. ā€œWhat weā€™ve seen with the success of Christian films is something that we think we can replicate in the outdoor lifestyle space because thereā€™s plenty of overlap between the two.ā€

This article originally appeared inĀ Forbes.Ā FollowĀ Sporting ClassicsĀ TVĀ hostĀ Chris DorseyĀ atĀ Forbes.

Casting CallĀ is a celebration of both fly fishing and the great outdoors. But Chris Dorsey has done more than simply share the joy of fishing. He has also worked to preserve the worldā€™s great fishing waters. This concern for conservation is woven throughout but perhaps expressed most clearly in a chapter about the wonders of fishing Montanaā€™s Big Hole, and how itā€™s slowly changed over time. The unrelenting use of the river’s waters has had a devastating impact on the fish that make the Big Hole their home. This, in turn, has negatively impacted the many people whose livelihoods depend on the fishermen who come to ply these waters.

And that isnā€™t the only area that is being negatively impacted. The Caribbean, too, is experiencing its own losses. After describing the wonders of fishing the Caribbean flats for bonefish, Dorsey asks, ā€œWho knows, maybe youā€™ll one day wade these same flats, and wouldnā€™t it be nice if the fish were still here?ā€ The book closes with Dorsey’s pleasure in seeing his sons experience the joys of fishing for themselves. Pre-Order Now