As the gun control debate heats up, one thing is clear: Americans are exercising their right to keep and bear arms at unprecedented levels. While 2019 was seen as an extraordinary year for gun sales with more than 28 million FBI National Instant Criminal Background Checks (required to purchase a new firearm and a good barometer of overall gun sales), 2020 saw an incredible nearly 40 million NICS checks. According to the NSSF, there are now more than 150 million gun owners in America with nearly 450 million firearms in circulation. That’s roughly 75 times the size of the Chinese, US and Russian armies…combined.

“As elected officials and law enforcement officers,” says Larry Keane, counsel for the NSSF, “Sheriffs take an oath to defend the constitution. That oath extends to the Second Amendment which the Supreme Court held applies to the States and local government. Sheriffs have a legal obligation not to enforce laws that blatantly violate the Second Amendment.”

Stiff Opposition From Nation’s Law Enforcement Officials

While many Democrats favoring more gun restrictions—including mandatory gun buy-backs, a federal gun registry, bans on MSRs, waiting periods and the like—are eager to advance sweeping new gun laws, passage of any such laws will likely face stiff opposition from many of the nation’s law enforcement officials. Their interpretation of the Second Amendment may ultimately wind up in the Supreme Court again where the constitutionality of red-flag and other emerging gun laws will likely be tested.

For Smith and others in the sheriff’s community, they welcome the Supreme Court’s involvement. “The current makeup of the court suggests that this is a good time to test remaining challenges to the Second Amendment,” he says. “In my experience, Democrats often misjudge the Second Amendment as a partisan issue. In my county, there are a lot of Independents, Libertarians and even Democrats who are strong Second Amendment advocates. And when you see cities on fire and urban crime rates soaring how do you think those folks—many of them minorities—feel about the right to defend themselves? I think the Biden Administration and other Democrats are misreading the prevailing sentiment on this issue.”

And whether through the mid-term elections or future Supreme Court rulings, we’re likely to soon find out who is reading the judicial and political winds correctly.

This article originally appeared in Forbes. Follow Sporting Classics TV host Chris Dorsey at Forbes.


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