The Shining Tides: Fall

The Shining Tides: Fall

Roccus fed and strengthened, yet did not grow in size. Despite her healing, her feeding, her strengthening, she continued to waste away. Roccus sank to the bouldered deeps off Mashnee. The hooks of the plug were merely an annoyance, the weight of it a nuisance, which...

The Shining Tides: Summer

The Shining Tides: Summer

Roccus sinuated, swirled and sounded, and all the line so laboriously won was lost before the boat could be brought on a following course. So the May was gone. The backward spring leaped to keep abreast of the sun’s orbit. Anglers sandpapered rods, wound guides and...

The Shining Tides: Spring

The Shining Tides: Spring

Roccus the striped bass had survived man's hooks and nets and the ocean's deadliest predators...and now, in her last years, she'd become the largest of her kind. Sun and a wafer edge of dissolving moon rose a few minutes apart. From a late roost in a scrub oak on...

The Rod to Remember

The Rod to Remember

The old rod had a history far richer than any he ever imagined when he first bought it, so many lives ago. And now his own life was about to change. He hovered just inches above my face, urgently pounding me with questions that I desperately needed for him to answer...

Aloha Means Fishing

Aloha Means Fishing

In Maui, it’s not how many fish you catch, it’s how much tarragon is in the béarnaise sauce. With its gorgeous beaches, lush mountain slopes, slumbering volcanoes, swaying palm trees, gyrating hula dancers, and colorful cocktails with little umbrellas, Hawaii lives up...

A City By The Sea

A City By The Sea

Blackfly Lodge at Schooner Bay anchors a Bahamas community created especially for fishing.   On a calm day, the slight slap of the water on the hull of a flats boat has one of two effects on me. If I'm tired, it can lull me into a trance, the kind that makes me...

There’s Always The Pier 

There’s Always The Pier 

All sorts of interesting characters frequent our fishing piers, but they all share the same thing—a passion for fishing. South Carolina's Daniel Island is actually a peninsula of the original Cainhoy Plantation sandwiched by the Cooper and Wando rivers that probe...

The Fish That Shook The Pier

The Fish That Shook The Pier

In the summer of 1964, an average Joe revealed to the happy-go-lucky Myrtle Beach tourists where some large creatures roamed. Large is actually insulting when it comes to describing thousand-pound sharks. How about one that weighed almost a ton, caught with rod and...