The Shining Tides: Fall

The Shining Tides: Fall

Roccus fed and strengthened, yet did not grow in size. Despite her healing, her feeding, her strengthening, she continued to waste away. Roccus sank to the bouldered deeps off Mashnee. The hooks of the plug were merely an annoyance, the weight of it a nuisance, which...

The Shining Tides: Summer

The Shining Tides: Summer

Roccus sinuated, swirled and sounded, and all the line so laboriously won was lost before the boat could be brought on a following course. So the May was gone. The backward spring leaped to keep abreast of the sun’s orbit. Anglers sandpapered rods, wound guides and...

The Shining Tides: Spring

The Shining Tides: Spring

Roccus the striped bass had survived man's hooks and nets and the ocean's deadliest predators...and now, in her last years, she'd become the largest of her kind. Sun and a wafer edge of dissolving moon rose a few minutes apart. From a late roost in a scrub oak on...

The Anniversary Gift

The Anniversary Gift

She would leave him soon, and for this reason she had insisted that he fish the opener without her, the only gift she wanted for their anniversary. The first day of trout season usually filled him with excitement. Even as a man he felt like a boy awaiting Christmas...