Alabama Free Fishing Day June 13, 2020
Each calendar year, the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources designates a "Free Fishing Day" for the public to fish recreationally in public waters without a fishing license. Saturday, June 13, 2020, is designated as Free Fishing Day as a part of...
Across the Creek
At barely eight years old, he was scarcely ready to confront a wily old trout poacher. Or was he? Friday afternoon, 14th day of April 1959, with trout season due to open the next morning. I’d turned in my homework, got Monday's assignments from Mrs. Whitten, and Dad...
Arkansas Anglers Can Find Golden Rainbow Trout in White River
More golden rainbow trout have been stocked in the White River system below Bull Shoals Lake dam. About 500 of the rainbow trout that have a color variation making them appear a bright golden yellow were part of a shipment of 10,000 rainbow trout stocked Monday from...
Ohio Wildlife Council Approves 3rd Fishing Line for Lake Erie and Ohio River
Anglers may use a maximum of three fishing lines on Ohio’s portion of Lake Erie and the Ohio River starting on Jan. 1, 2020, following new regulations passed by the Ohio Wildlife Council. The council approved the use of three lines per person while fishing on Ohio’s...
Wisconsin Trout Regulation Changes
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is issuing two corrections to the 2020-2021 Guide to Wisconsin Trout Fishing Regulations effective May 2, 2020. The 2020-2021 Guide to Wisconsin Trout Fishing Regulations contained incorrect bag and length limits and gear...
North Dakota Paddlefish Snag-and-Release Season Open May 15-21
A one-week paddlefish snag-and-release season will be open May 15-21 for anglers who hold a valid fishing license, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department announced. However, if conditions warrant, Game and Fish may close the season with a 24-hour notice. Game and...
Spring Fishing Tips from Maine’s Biologists
Spring is here and so are the fish. Maine's biologists offer 6 tips for success on the water this season. 1. Keep water temperature in mind. Cold temperatures mean the fish are still moving a bit slow, so your lure or bait should move slow as well. Take your time and...
When the shark hit the end of the line, it came up, shook his head just like those mahi did. The dock bowed, creaked, groaned, sagged. Clink, clink, clink. I was bent over the gunnel of Maggie C, a 26-foot Maine lobster boat rigged for ocean-running. Six weeks, 600...
The Tie that Binds
A fishing knot does infinitely more than bind a fly or lure or bait to line, it binds a person to the idea of catching a fish. "It's the tie that binds." I wasn't sure if he was making a statement to me or talking to himself. He slid the line through the eye of the...
Teach a Man to Fish
If you think fishing with your daughter is engrossing, try fishing with her new husband. If you are fortunate enough to have been blessed with a daughter, you eventually come to realize that someday, somewhere, some guy is going to come along who wants her for his...