Goodbye Smith & Wesson
The famed gun company’s parent corporation is changing its name . . . if stockholders give their approval next month.

Brownells Now Sells Guns
The company now claims to have “the most brands on one site,” with dozens of manufacturers and thousands of models available.

TR and the NRA
Documents show the respect and admiration Roosevelt had for the National Rifle Association.

Aimpoint Introduces an Incredibly Useful Shotgun Mount
The rib-fitting Rib-Rider comes free with the purchase of any Micro H-1 or H-2.

NRA TV to Feature Award-Winning Hunting Show “Under Wild Skies”
The program will be available through NRA App, Roku, Apple TV, and on any mobile device.

Hornady Offers Free Ammo with Pistol Safe Purchases
Come and get it!

Marines Drop 1911 for Glock
The U.S. Marine special forces have kicked the .45 to the curb and opted for the Glock 19 in 9mm instead.

Olympic Medalist Featured in New Pro-Gun Commercials
Kim Rhode didn’t get the attention she deserved following the Rio Olympics because she was pro-gun. Now she’s taking her message to the web in an attack on gun control.

Choosing the Best Rifle Target
Not all targets are created equal. Does your sight-in sheet make the grade?

Get Out the #GUNVOTE
It’s not too late to support the Second Amendment. Not yet . . .