Hunters with Attitude

Hunters with Attitude

Hunters with an attitude. Imagine that.   Attitude isn’t everything, but it seems to add a few hundred feet per second to muzzle velocity and at least that many foot-pounds of kinetic energy to any bullet.   Evidence for that comes from dozens of hunters who respond...

Something Old, Something New

Something Old, Something New

The loved and despised 6.5 Creedmoor seems to have started it. This new cartridge craze. This reinvention of the tried and true. And now the 6.5 PRC, 6.5 RPM, 6.5-300 Weatherby, 26 Nosler….  “It’s just those gun and ammo companies trying to gin up sales!”   But of...

Treasures in the Mail

Treasures in the Mail

Mention the golden age of sporting art, 1890 to 1930, and immediately we think of the beautiful calendars, broadsides and magazine illustrations produced by a group of American artists who will probably never be surpassed.   The best of them did advertising work...

Krieghoff K-20 Parcours

Krieghoff K-20 Parcours

The Krieghoff K-20 Parcours is as adept on the sporting clays course as it is in the field. SPONSORED CONTENT  This well-balanced beauty makes an ideal wingshooting companion to the K-80 everyone loves. The K-20 Parcours’ refined design carries easily regardless of...