Cameron the Weimaraner claims he looks best in photos with only the finest of shotguns. After all, he has standards to uphold.
It’s a fact: I like bird hunting, and I also like fine shotguns. They are the ultimate firearm with exquisite engraving, gold inlay, select wood and shiny finishes, and the ultimate—gold triggers. I see these type shotguns in bird hunting magazines all the time, and I like hunting ahead of them. It makes me feel special and honored to be in the field near a great shotgun.
I’ve regularly coached Mike on how to spot and to buy nice over/under and side-by-side shotguns, like Brownings and Berettas, Purdey, Perazzi, Parker, L.C. Smith and others because I look great in photos with those shotguns. When a new shotgun arrives at my home, Mike and his friends often joke the gun is compliments of The Cameron Foundation. The one thing I fully understand about financials and hooman money is how to spend it. Money for treats, as an example, is always a good trade.
When it comes to fine shotguns, however, I do find it sad that Mike is not a great shotgunner with any price shotgun in hand. His makes legendary misses on birds, clay targets from a thrower, slow pigeons and other things other shotgunners frequently connect with. It’s sad!
He now fully understands that I’m a better shot than he is. I have frequently tossed him that stare that says “hand me the shotgun, and I’ll show you how it works.” Misses frustrate me. I’ve done my part by finding the bird and pointing it. The worst day ever was Mike missing nearly a dozen sharp-tailed grouse in one morning. Yes, I keep count.
Maybe it’s time Mike down-grades in shotguns. I will, however, refuse to have my photo taken with an inexpensive shotgun. I have standards to uphold.
– Cameron
In Fine Shotguns, expert John M. Taylor offers a global view of shotguns using photographs and descriptions of guns from the United States, Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, and Italy. Here are all types of shotguns: single barrel, double barrel, combination guns, hammer shotguns, paired shotguns, special-use guns, small-bore shotguns, shotgun stocks or shotguns with metal finishes, and bespoke shotguns. This all encompassing guide includes sections on how to care for and storage your weapon, what accessories are available for your model and how to choose the perfect traveling case. Shop Now