Mayan Ruins – Campeche Brocket

Mayan Ruins – Campeche Brocket

It was hot. Horribly hot. Well over the century mark. Humidity approached the saturation point. I hate the heat! I have even less tolerance for high humidity! But there I was in the midst of both! The only stirred breeze came from the overhead slow circulating fan in...

Chris Dorsey Hunting Bobwhite Quail

Chris Dorsey Hunting Bobwhite Quail

Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey Visits Award-Winning Rio Piedra Plantation as part of SCI’s ‘Share the Impact’ Auction Officials from Dorsey Pictures announce that this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey - the most watched outdoor TV program in...

How to Preserve a Grouse Fan

How to Preserve a Grouse Fan

Preserving the fan is a cost-effective way to commemorate the hunt for years to come. Here are six steps to creating a grouse fan display. A ruffed grouse fan achieves the practical beauty that the woods demand. This barred rutter allows the bird to swerve through the...

Old Flintlock: A Sporting Scribe for the Ages

Old Flintlock: A Sporting Scribe for the Ages

No writer has sung the South’s sporting song with the same alluring sweetness as Archibald Hamilton Rutledge. Known to family and friends as “Old Flintlock,” he was a proud son of the southern soil with roots that reached deep into the Carolina Lowcountry’s past. His...

Hunting of Old – Lonely Journey Backward

Hunting of Old – Lonely Journey Backward

Tony Kinton details the ups and downs, reliefs and frustrations and the total fulfilment of experience that comes with the hunting of old. Obstinacy is considered poor taste. But fracturing protocol and proper behavior were not my intent. Rather, I was simply curious...

Old Man and the Sea – Ted Schnack

Old Man and the Sea – Ted Schnack

Ted Schnack discusses his sculpture inspired by Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea Literary Immortality. Countless writers and artists have graced the centuries, yet few and rare are those who create works so powerful they are considered true classic.  True...

Chris Dorsey on Hunting Matters Podcast

Chris Dorsey on Hunting Matters Podcast

Dorsey Pictures announces that Chris Dorsey appears as a guest in the latest episode of the Hunting Matters podcast and radio show to discuss myriad topics including his background in outdoor television, bringing the hunting category to mainstream audiences, and...

Best Deal for Wildlife? Buy a License.

Best Deal for Wildlife? Buy a License.

Often overlooked in the rush of fall hunting seasons is how hunting and fishing licenses help fund wildlife work. In Georgia, each license sold – even a one-day $5 combo – returns to the state that license fee plus as much as $45 in federal excise taxes paid by...

A Covey of Wild Memories

A Covey of Wild Memories

For a “sporting artist” could there be a name more fitting than Bob White?  I will answer the question for you. Obviously, the correct response is: “No, there could not.” It isn’t as if this modern fine art painter and illustrator who lives near the St. Croix River in...

The Day the Duck Hunters Died

The Day the Duck Hunters Died

Nothing escaped the “winds of hell” and the deadly, suffocating snows that swept across the Upper Midwest on that fateful day in 1940.

Bird Hunting in NILO Land

Bird Hunting in NILO Land

John M. Taylor talks bird hunting in the quiet little town, and best kept secret, of Shawntee, Illinois. This is NILO Land. Think of Illinois and Chicago comes to mind, but the real history of the state lies 300-odd miles to the south. At the confluence of the Wabash...

The Faces of Eve

The Faces of Eve

On a May morning, in the glad renewal that is spring, two lives collided.  One was that of a young man who knew and loved wildness, but was not wild. The other was that of a child, five weeks from newborn, who was. In the moment they met, he was so fascinated by her...

When Wildness Goes Bold

When Wildness Goes Bold

In any great wildlife painting, viewers do not just feel the spirit of an animal, we’re making contact with the mind’s eye of a brilliant artist. Julie T. Chapman, in her acclaimed multi-media scenes and monochromatic scratchboards, demonstrates how a single image can...

A Dorsey-style Family Vacation in the Amazon

A Dorsey-style Family Vacation in the Amazon

Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey wrestles with river monsters from the southern hemisphere. Officials from Dorsey Pictures announce that this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey - the most watched outdoor TV program in the world – features a...

Rendezvous with a King

Rendezvous with a King

The ocean was like a piece of glass as we glided past the familiar black-and-white-spiraled St. Augustine lighthouse a mile or so off to our starboard side. Heading out into the great unknown on a muggy June morning, I couldn’t help but think of my grandmother’s...

Reward Increased in Poaching of Bighorn Sheep Ram 

Reward Increased in Poaching of Bighorn Sheep Ram 

Crime was committed in Game Management Unit 39   BUCKEYE, Ariz. — The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is seeking information about the poaching of a mature desert bighorn sheep ram in Game Management Unit 39 in the Buckeye Hills at Gillespie Dam, south of...

Hunters with Attitude

Hunters with Attitude

Hunters with an attitude. Imagine that.   Attitude isn’t everything, but it seems to add a few hundred feet per second to muzzle velocity and at least that many foot-pounds of kinetic energy to any bullet.   Evidence for that comes from dozens of hunters who respond...

Scenes from the Wild North

Scenes from the Wild North

Why do hunters seldom put antlers of average score on the wall? An absurd question, certainly, for readers of this great magazine. And yet while the reasons seem obvious, let’s apply the same rationale to works of fine art we collect. Why settle for paintings and...

Something Old, Something New

Something Old, Something New

The loved and despised 6.5 Creedmoor seems to have started it. This new cartridge craze. This reinvention of the tried and true. And now the 6.5 PRC, 6.5 RPM, 6.5-300 Weatherby, 26 Nosler….  “It’s just those gun and ammo companies trying to gin up sales!”   But of...

Treasures in the Mail

Treasures in the Mail

Mention the golden age of sporting art, 1890 to 1930, and immediately we think of the beautiful calendars, broadsides and magazine illustrations produced by a group of American artists who will probably never be surpassed.   The best of them did advertising work...

Grizzly Encounter

Grizzly Encounter

Rick bent to one knee checking blood splatters on three-day-old snow crunching under his weight. It appeared pinkish—possibly lung blood. Staring up the hill, his gaze followed the mule deer’s tracks running straight to the top before disappearing into exposed rocks....

The Intruder

The Intruder

It wasn’t much as waters go — probably a couple acres at best.  I’d passed by it many times always on the way to somewhere else.  It lay a few hundred yards off the road, nestled up against the back edge of the old cemetery.  I suppose to most people it would be a...

Who Really Helps Animal Rights?

Who Really Helps Animal Rights?

Perhaps you’ve seen the late-night appeals on cable channels from animal rights groups—the public service announcements of a starving dog or cat that will have a better life if you only send $25…immediately? You look down at Rover, resting comfortably on his padded...

Great Finds Afield

Great Finds Afield

Just the other day I was walking through some tall weeds and BAM—it hit me. The smell of a something gone bad reached my superior nostrils and I had to find the source. It was a rotting deer leg—and it was mine. I grabbed it and was carrying it high and proud until I...

Would You Know…?

Would You Know…?

And where do you find tranquility?   A restoration of spirit, a calming of your soul? In a place so quietly unobtrusive, yet so deeply profound you will never find it so perfectly any other place on Earth? A reprieve of being that is so unwavering, so wholly...

Cane Pole Magic

Cane Pole Magic

A cane pole, whether used from shore or in a boat, is wielded by a simple, graceful motion in which the angler lobs the baited hook. The image is as enduring as it is appealing, something straight from a Norman Rockwell cover on an old Saturday Evening Post. A...

Candid Cameron on Bullying

Candid Cameron on Bullying

Remaining calm and ignoring bullies completely is Cameron's way of letting them know a dog’s world trumps hooman worlds (and words). By today’s standards, you should not say anything about my big ears, short bobbed tail, excessive drooling, wild stare, incessant...

In Defense of Trophy Hunting

In Defense of Trophy Hunting

Chris Dorsey is joined by “The Honorable Hunter," author Michael Sabbeth, in the latest podcast from Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey. Dorsey Pictures announces a unique podcast as author Michael Sabbeth joins host Chris Dorsey for a lively discussion in defense of...

Candid Cameron Rides the River

Candid Cameron Rides the River

Cameron the Weimaraner warns fellow canines to stay safe from the sun this summer to avoid the dreadful sunburned snout! I believe I have written numerous time here on Sporting Classics Daily that I like fishing and going on fishing adventures. I’m not lazy but I...

English Springer Spaniel: The Happy Medium Flusher

English Springer Spaniel: The Happy Medium Flusher

When it comes to flushing dog breeds, the English springer spaniel is a near-perfect blend of fun and functionality. If the German shorthair is the “happy medium” of the pointing dog set, the breed that fills this role in the flushing dog division is the springer...

The Ultimate Boneyard: Bahamas Bonefish

The Ultimate Boneyard: Bahamas Bonefish

Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey visits The Bahamas’ Andros Island for bonefish this week in “The Ultimate Boneyard.” Dorsey Pictures announces that this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey – the most watched outdoor TV program in the world –...

Krieghoff K-20 Parcours

Krieghoff K-20 Parcours

The Krieghoff K-20 Parcours is as adept on the sporting clays course as it is in the field. SPONSORED CONTENT  This well-balanced beauty makes an ideal wingshooting companion to the K-80 everyone loves. The K-20 Parcours’ refined design carries easily regardless of...

As Crepuscule Closes In

As Crepuscule Closes In

A brief and artistic depiction of the very moment a young child falls in love with fishing. A faint zephyr curled the tip of her hair. Shoulder length. The lapping of edge water murmuring. Inveigling liquid whispers heralding dusk – some primal tongue understood by...

Not the Fool Hen Blues

Not the Fool Hen Blues

Dusky grouse have a curious way of making a living. They migrate come winter, but not the direction we might think. There is a bird migration underway right now, but it is not what you may think. It’s late August. National Shooting Sports month is coming to a close....

SC Warehouse Sale: 10% Off Storewide

SC Warehouse Sale: 10% Off Storewide

Get 10% off full-price and sale items, from our latest hunting and fishing books to outdoor knives and hats. Use code August21 during checkout to save.*

Candid Cameron: Dog Days of Summer

Candid Cameron: Dog Days of Summer

This summer season has been a scorcher! Here's how our friend Cameron the Weimaraner cools off during those Dog Days. In much of America the outside temperatures have been true scorchers the past few weeks. The Dog Days of Summer continue to bear down upon us — and...

No More Mr. Nice Guy

No More Mr. Nice Guy

He just wasn’t going to take it anymore: the snow and cold and bass that seldom grow much bigger than your bait. No. The time had come to pull out all the stops in one last-ditch, hell-bent-for-whatever quest for a trophy bass… a gut-wrenching, arm-busting, heart-pounding wallhanger of a fish.

Hunting Free Range Nilgai in South Texas

Hunting Free Range Nilgai in South Texas

Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey travels to Texas this week in “Stalking the Blue Bull.” Dorsey Pictures announces that this week’s episode of Sporting Classics with Chris Dorsey, the most watched outdoor TV program in the world, heads to south Texas to chase free...

Preseason Training Tips from the Pros: Part 2

Preseason Training Tips from the Pros: Part 2

It won’t be long before we’re all back in the woods and on the water. Here are some tips from Eukanuba Pro Trainers to get your dogs prepped! SPONSORED CONTENT     Preseason training is a process, and we’re getting close to Opening Day. Here are some tips from...

A New Legend of the Outdoors

A New Legend of the Outdoors

Author and television producer, Chris Dorsey, will be inducted into the Legends of the Outdoors National Hall of Fame. Founder of the Legends of the Outdoors National Hall of Fame, Garry Mason, has announced that veteran television producer, personality and author,...

An Old Man’s Memories of August

An Old Man’s Memories of August

This fisherman's fairytale is far from folklore... A true story of giants, fairies, heroism and romance stay alive in an old man's memories. Once upon a time long ago and far, far away, there was a boy. “Wait,” someone will shout. “That sounds like an elementary...

A Fascination With Fly Rodding

A Fascination With Fly Rodding

From the time I was first able to tag along without completely impeding his fly fishing, Daddy let me accompany him on short after-work outings to nearby trout streams in my native Great Smokies. My father was a dedicated fly fisherman and one of those wise mentors...