A Man-Killing Bear
Angry and horrified at his friend’s fate, the man spent days looking for the cunning and savage monster.
After Brazilian Jaguars
During his famed and troubled exploration of “The River of Doubt,” Roosevelt and his fellow travelers take time to pursue the deadly jungle cats.
Ring of Spears
At last the tense ring was complete, and the spearmen rose and closed in. The next day, we moved camp to the edge of a swamp about five miles from the river. Near the tents was one of the trees which, not knowing its real name, we called “sausage-tree”;...A Christmas Buck
TR gets meat and memories from a pre-Christmas deer hunt.
A Man-Killing Bear and Revenge
Almost every trapper past middle age who has spent his life in the wilderness has stories to tell about exceptionally savage bears. One of these stories was told in my ranch house one evening by an old mountain hunter, clad in fur cap, buckskin hunting shirt, and...Belly of the Beast
Hunting elephants in cover so thick they can only be located by the rumbling of their stomachs.
The Ghost Bear
Was it a bear, a man, or a devil that killed the hunter’s companion?
The Elk of Two-Ocean Pass
An ideal bull in an idyllic locale.
Examining the Wilderness Hunter
TR explains what hunting truly offers a sportsman.