The Wonderful Fool

The Wonderful Fool

Harrison walked out of the room, smiling and easy on the razor-thinness that was the surface of himself, closing the door quietly on the still woman in the bed and the nurse with the calm professional air. Doctor Joe was there, an old friend with whom he’d killed a...
Choice of the Litter: Found

Choice of the Litter: Found

“He wondered if the dog would recognize him, hoping in one breath that he wouldn’t and in the next knowing it would be the cruelest blow he ever suffered.” The captain led Ben into a small study. “Ben,” he said, I’m looking for a good...
Choice of the Litter: Lost

Choice of the Litter: Lost

It was to him a very simple thing and the wonder was that the others, the older ones, were so stupid and confused. It was only a matter of going back a few years to when he was ten and her age, and thinking as he had thought then. The old urges and desires and faiths...