Uncle Earl’s Shotgun
“Uncle Earl left the shotgun to me, and I planned to honor him that day by hunting with it one more time.”

R.I.P., Uno
Uno was not JUST a show beagle. When he entered the show ring he was Muhammed Ali in his prime, taking on and vanquishing all comers. He had Ali’s physical attributes – a tremendous athlete – and his winning personality – a beagle “smile” and a happy bark that...
Bone-Shattering Fall Doesn’t Deter Hunter
Aaron Summitt broke his ankles, legs, and back after falling from his treestand, but he was still back in the woods six weeks later.

That Gator Ate My Duck!
There’s more to fear in a South Carolina duck blind than wind chill and empty skies.

Is There a Problem with Dolphin (Mahi-Mahi)?
Lack of young fish could spell doom for the fishermen who rely on them.

Owen Jeffery, Archery Legend, Passes at 91
Jeffery was an archery and bowhunting pioneer, fundamentally changing the sports for all modern shooters.

All it Takes is a Little Cluck
Sometimes everything goes according to plan. Other times you have to scramble down a mountain after a spry old tom.