Desert Dreams
It was a dream come true working with desert bighorns for research, and soon my dream of taking a bighorn ram would be realized. Less than 75 yards away the desert bighorn ram was indeed going down! As he faltered, I took off running. The ram staggered and fell. I...
A Hippo For Christmas
“I wanna hippopotamus for Christmas…only a hippopotamus will do….” Those lyrics kept running through my mind as I stowed gear in Omujeve Safari’s Ivory Camp on the backwater banks of the Kwando River in Namibia’s Zambezi Strip. The comfortable en-suite tent would...
Home Coming Whitetails
The rustle of fallen white oak leaves littering the ground 30 feet below demanded my immediate attention. There, patches of brown moved. A deer! Heartbeat racing! Breathing? I am not certain I even took a breath. A solid hour before first light and under the cover of...
Whiskey from a Coffee Cup
“Camp…Four miles! Up, down, then up long way!” spoke my smiling Sonoran guide.

Uganda Gold
Hunting the kob in the Jewel of Afria.

Best Hunting Advice – No Excuses
I am often asked a simple question from hunters of all ages and skill, “What is your best hunting advice?” “Did you see anything this afternoon?” questioned a camo-shirted hunter, while I was filling my pickup with diesel. Before I could respond he added. “I didn’t...
Redemption – Finally, One for the Books!
Larry Weishuhn recalls how he redeemed himself from the buck that got away. Of all places! The biggest whitetail buck I have ever seen was standing 50 yards off of Highway 2 between Edmonton to Athabasca. He was huge of body and antler — wide, tall, massive —...
Mayan Ruins – Campeche Brocket
It was hot. Horribly hot. Well over the century mark. Humidity approached the saturation point. I hate the heat! I have even less tolerance for high humidity! But there I was in the midst of both! The only stirred breeze came from the overhead slow circulating fan in...