One Dog Night

One Dog Night

In the early years, African leopards commonly preyed on cattle and other livestock, and even humans. But their favorite prey of all was the dog.

The Elephant’s Got the Gun

The Elephant’s Got the Gun

One of the first hunters to take advantage of the “Ivory Rush” in the Lado Enclave, John Boyes soon learned just how dangerous his new occupation would be. The death of King Leopold of Belgium in 1909 created an elephant hunters’ free-for-all in the...
The Reluctant Guide for Roosevelt

The Reluctant Guide for Roosevelt

The fresh-faced young man from New York was eager to hunt mountain goats and was doing his best to persuade the rugged man from Missouri to act as his guide. The Missourian was Jack Willis and the tenderfoot was 28-year-old Theodore Roosevelt, who was with a...
The Men Behind the Scenes

The Men Behind the Scenes

Theodore Roosevelt’s historic safari through British East Africa was more than a year in the planning and took nearly a year to complete. It became the most significant expedition ever taken on the Dark Continent. TR’s safari collected more specimens and identified...
The Festive Hunt, 1909

The Festive Hunt, 1909

The long line of native pagazi, each man carrying his allotted 60 pounds of supplies and equipment, moved like a giant mamba through acacia bushes and across the savannah. The American flag was held proudly aloft at the front of the long, seemingly endless line. Some...
Karamojo Crossing

Karamojo Crossing

The rains were gone but the rivers were still swollen. He looked on in amazement as the men calmly walked into the river, each man carrying a big elephant tusk across his shoulder. As they neared the middle of the river, they continued to walk until one by one they...
Colter’s Hell

Colter’s Hell

The half-naked young man lay breathless inside the dark and dank beaver lodge, his legs and feet covered in cuts and scratches. He had narrowly escaped death after being captured by Blackfeet Indians while canoeing up the Jefferson River and had sought refuge in the...
Attacked By a Grizzly

Attacked By a Grizzly

A veteran prospector, Hatheway was heading out from camp to stir something up for the pot. It had somehow become his task to put food on the table at the small mining camp. He was the oldest and felt somewhat responsible to use his shooting skills to keep the stewpot...