A Battle for Survival

A Battle for Survival

Precariously perched in the small tree, the hunter peered into the night, his eyes slowly adjusting to the eerie light cast by the moon. The year was 1903; the place: Sabi Sands, South Africa.  Harry Wolhuter was shaking from a combination of cold and fear. What was...
Royal Hunter

Royal Hunter

On a trip to Nepal several years ago, I was making my way apprehensively along a maze of trails to a remote tent camp in the Chitwan area. Adding to my anxiety, I had passed several fresh pugmarks of tigers, and as the light began to fade I imagined a big cat watching...
Trouble with Lions

Trouble with Lions

For weeks on end, deadly man-eaters would plague Arthur Neumann’s safari. The English hunter, Arthur Neumann, was still recovering from a terrible mauling by an angry cow elephant in the Lake Rudolph area of British East Africa (now Lake Turkana, Kenya). The year was...
The Final Charge: Roosevelt’s Bull Moose

The Final Charge: Roosevelt’s Bull Moose

A loner by nature, the eastern bull moose is a completely different animal during the rut, when it wages savage fights for dominance with other males. In the fall of 1915, 57-year-old Theodore Roosevelt went big game hunting for the last time. It would prove to be one...
Roosevelt’s Smoldering Savannah

Roosevelt’s Smoldering Savannah

A raging wildfire threatens to bring President Roosevelt’s safari to a quick and untimely end. It was a terrifying sight that greeted Theodore Roosevelt as he stepped from his tent that morning in 1910, and it was something that could have brought a costly and...
Rising Buffalo

Rising Buffalo

Instead of just two bulls, Theodore Roosevelt and his party were suddenly confronted by a huge herd of angry Cape buffalo. The buffalo rose like massive black warriors from the papyrus swamp. Theodore Roosevelt and his party had just come face-to-face with one of...
Ice Bound: Stranded in Antarctica

Ice Bound: Stranded in Antarctica

He sat in the makeshift camp on the polar ice as a cold wind heralded the approaching long dark winter. Soon the sun would not be seen for three months. He and his men had been trapped on the ice for nearly a year. As the winter darkness descended, he could hear the...
Kermit Roosevelt: The River of Doubt

Kermit Roosevelt: The River of Doubt

On the day after Christmas in 1913, Theodore Roosevelt and Kermit were planning another day of hunting on the Taquary River in Brazil. Both father and son were hunting jaguars before embarking on their big adventure down the River of Doubt. The jaguar is considered...