Hunters Helping To Build Schools In Africa
Dr. Peter Nalos is a cardiologist and evangelist minister in Bakersfield, California. He is—or was—also a serious big game hunter with countless trophies and awards and records to his name. While he has hunted widely in many different countries, he—like so many other...
Chesapeake Bay Retriever: A Plain Great Dog
My first hunting dog was a Chesapeake Bay retriever. That might seem a poor choice of first-time hunting dog, Chesapeakes being notoriously idiosyncratic—if you use that word to express their penchant for independent thinking. Other words would be eccentric, singular,...
Actor Killed By Stupidity
From our latest issue: An excerpt from “Actor Killed by Stupidity.” by Jameson Parker Allan Seager once wrote that time makes fiction out of our memories. That would be a fine thing if time made us all heroes, courageous and stoic, solitary and enduring,...
Mule Deer on the Skids
Can anything be done to bring back mule deer numbers out West?

Hand-Tied Flies & Mimeographed Catalogues: How Cabela’s Built an Empire
From a mom-pop business into mega stores that sell every imaginable outdoor product.

Burt Avedon Makes the Best Outdoor Apparel You’ll Ever Wear
Or at least his company, Avedon & Colby, won’t stop until it does.

When Breeding Dogs, Take the Good Where You Find It
And let the results be your guide.