My Greatest Shot: Slinging Steel
One of several great shots featured in Sporting Classics’ Guns & Hunting 2015 issue.

Skyfall: Parallax, Parsecs & Gravity
I’m 10 years old and lying on the grass in the backyard of my grandfather’s rambling South Carolina farmhouse some 65 years ago. I’m staring straight up. The sun has just set, and the late fall sky is an imagination-inspiring, vibrant palette: bright yellow-orange in...
The Boat
Sit in it and my knees begin to hurt, my back starts aching, my shoes get soaked. Then, this green time machine pulls me into the past, and slowly the pains fade.

Kentuck Turkey Tango
Some 480 million years ago, plate tectonics waltzed the lapetus oceanic plate into what is today’s United States to form part of the supercontinent, Pangaea. For a hundred million years afterward, the Central Pangean Mountains lifted skyward, as high as the Alps....
How SEWE Is Helping Reshape The Image Of South Carolina
Today, as a percentage of its existing population, South Carolina is one of the most moved-to states in the union. There are many reasons: mild weather, friendly southern hospitality, job opportunities and its location on the Atlantic Coast. But one reason may...
Ghosts in the Ravine
I’m not a superstitious man. I’m not afraid of ghosts. It’s just a skull I tell myself, but contemplate my pale, frail host. Author’s Note: While it appeared in the fall 2020 Guns & Hunting issue of Sporting Classics magazine, I wrote this little...
B.A.S.S. Founder Ray Scott, The Father of Modern Bass Fishing, Has Died
B.A.S.S. Founder Ray Scott, The Father of Modern Bass Fishing, Has Died Sadly, I learned of the passing of my friend, Ray Scott. Like everyone else, for years I’d seen his “showmanship side” on TV. But it wasn’t until the mid 1990s, after I attended a Bassmasters...
The Great Western Loop Tour
Dispatch 16, June 21, 2019 The night in Glendive, and the cold medicine have me feeling much better this morning. We eat breakfast in the hotel, load everything in the car, and jump in… only to drive across the road. Sitting on a corner within rock-throwing...