A Lifetime of Fly-Fishing Tales

A Lifetime of Fly-Fishing Tales

In The Last Best Day, Michael Altizer shares moments and meditations from a lifetime of fly fishing on streams from the Appalachians to Alaska. For the first several decades of my life, the greening up time of spring meant single-minded obsession with sparkling waters...

Down the Writer’s Rabbit Hole

Down the Writer’s Rabbit Hole

What is writing, if not the sharing and resharing of life itself? It’s done.   Finished.   Written and designed; printed, bound and finally shipping out to a host of readers, both old and new...this latest book that’s been growing from my head and heart and fingertips...

A Creel Full of Fine Angling Reads

A Creel Full of Fine Angling Reads

The richest of the various veins of sporting literature almost certainly is that devoted to angling in general and particularly fly fishing. It has a long, venerable history, dating all the way back to Dame Juliana Berners late 15th century work,...