As development of the 27 Nosler neared completion, it was time to put the cartridge to its final test to see if it was worthy of the Nosler stamp.


The crucible chosen for the test: Texas and its whitetail and feral hogs.

To properly put the 27 Nosler through its paces, a true workhorse of a rifle was needed. One that combined custom-like craftsmanship, dead-on accuracy, and flawless function and reliability. The team selected the Nosler M48 Mountain Carbon Rifle for the task.

Why the Mountain Carbon? Let’s take a look and see all the reasons.

Weight: If you’ve never been to the outlands of Texas, there’s one thing you need to know about it. It’s big. It’s feral. It’s hard on the feet, back and everything else. After just an hour or two of hiking in, you question every ounce you brought with you. The M48 Mountain Carbon was born for these places, weighing in at just six pounds.

Accurate: The miracle of carbon fiber and modern engineering combine to keep the Mountain Carbon light, but also sub-MOA accurate. The distances can be long and the windows small to take animals in this region, so the Nosler team chose a rifle that would deliver the most accurate test of the 27 Nosler’s capabilities.

Dependable: Once you hike in, find the animals, put on a stalk and finally get a shot, the last thing you want to worry about is whether the rifle will work. With the Mountain Carbon, that’s the last thing you’ll have to consider.

The M48 action is darn-near bombproof and the glass and aluminum pillar bedding ensure a rock-solid fit to the ultralight carbon fiber stock. A final coating of weather-resistant, ultra-durable Tungsten Grey Cerakote ensures the M48 Mountain Carbon will withstand the elements far better than the hunter will.

So, how did the rifle and cartridge perform? Absolutely perfect. The rifle delivered the shot on target time and time again. Like a lightning bolt, the 150gr AccuBond bullet dropped whitetail and hog quickly and cleanly.

From pushing the limits on the engineering range to real-world repeatable performance, the 27 Nosler has been put to the test and is indeed a worthy addition to the Nosler family of cartridges.