These ears, they can be deadly — deadly annoying!
Well, here goes: Weimaraners like me are well known for having big — make that huge — floppy ears. When I shake my head and flop my ears, no one can sleep through the resulting noise and turmoil. Mike told someone my ears could be weapons of mass destruction.
OK, in my defense, I only flop my ears when I am cold, when I wake up every morning, when I want attention, when a mosquito lands on one, when someone has been pulling on my ears or, frankly, whenever I feel like it, har har! Yes, they are loud, and yes they make a big disturbance.
As close as my ear flopping has become near any type of bomb, however, is when I flop and Mike is driving. He can’t see the road and we start swerving because I put my head beside his and flop across his face.. Never mind that they hit his head and wipe across his eyes, he should keep his focus on the road ahead and hands on the steering wheel. OK, if he fails and we wreck, there will be destruction — maybe mass destruction.
Just want to point out that ear flopping is another thing that hoomans cannot do, even those hoomans who have put ear stretcher rings in their ears. More news is that someday I hope to kill an upland bird with my ears. Could be more successful than just standing around and waiting on Miss ‘em Mike to get a bird with his shotgun, har har! —Cameron