Weimaraners can run at speeds up to 35 MPH.
I was again surfing the web the other day — hey, I’m down to only 20 boxes of dog treats, time to reorder — and saw a dog speed report. According to the report, Weimaraners can run at speeds up to 35 MPH. We Weims can run! If there is food or a treat at the end of the jaunt, I can easily top this speed, har har!
I also discovered those sleek greyhounds can chase a rabbit-on-a-stick around the track at 45MPH. Dangle a treat on a string ahead of me and I could possibly exceed 50 MPH. I could go even faster if Mike would let me have the keys to the truck. I have been watching closely to determine which pedal to push and knobs to pull and I’m certain the Tundra could help me become a faster dog. Speed is important!
Ok, when it’s time to run, I have a complaint to air. Mike often rides his mountain bike but when he does I have to run along. This is definitely a slanted endeavor and so degrading. I need something like those sleek SXS 4-wheelers to drive so I can save my energy for more important things, like finding treats or checking about for ducks and pheasants. Since Mike will not buy me one, maybe it’s time for my GoFundMe page to be up and running. Stand by, har har!
Back to mammals on the move, ok, I did note humans run about 8 to 12MPH, and some have exceeded 20MPH. Great job hoomans but the fact remains you can’t catch me (35 is greater than 20, your FREE math lesson for the day!), so keep that in mind the next time I have something of yours that you want, or when it’s time to hunt pheasants. Get on your track shoes and lace them tight, we are going hunting! Just a reminder that pheasants run and fly, and when they fly, you need to keep your shotgun muzzle moving so the shot hits the target. There, a FREE shooting lesson also.
Now I must go because Mike needs more shotgun shooting coaching. Hunting seasons are opening. See you in the field. —Cameron