While milk cartons (Remember those? They were made of paper, har har!) once featured the faces of lost or missing folks, I know that many people who venture outdoors also lose things — lots of things.
The list of things I have discovered, or pointed to so Mike could pick them up, reads like a long list of stuff hoomans buy, carry, use — and leave behind. This includes knives left at gut piles or dropped in the parking lot when those hoomans tossed their pack into a vehicle as they were leaving the area. Add to this list of lost hooman stuff I have found: machetes, new fishing flies (more than a dozen new ones left on a rock by a lake full of trout), throwing knives stuck in trees, a gas can full of gas for use in a chainsaw, a like-new multi-tool still in its carrying case, a nice fly rod complete with reel and the fly still attached, a new life vest blown from a boat…the list of hooman lost items goes on and on. Many of these lost or tossed items leave me scratching my head, or scratching on one of my large ears. How did this happen?
For example, while I was on a sage grouse hunt in a very remote area this past fall, there it was — a small, new pocket knife complete with a clip to prevent the knife from being lost. Yikes, the clip was still on and useable. Who lost it and when were they there — where did they go? I could see me staring in a series of TV shows about all this missing stuff. Kinda like the Twilight Zone.
Anyway, what once was lost has now been found, and I’ve added much of it to the long list of stuff I own. Ok, I do lose stuff. I will admit that once while hunting pheasants in Idaho one of my dog boots went missing and is now on the long list of things forever lost. I had Mike look for an hour for that boot and backtrack for a mile. He never found it. Guess he needs lessons in lost item recovery methods — har har!
If you have something you cherish, tie a cord to it and tie it to your belt. Or it could go onto the lost list. Forever. —Cameron

Blade Length: 4.00″
Overall Knife Length: 9.250″
Just one look tells you this knife is focused on function but doesn’t skimp on style. Talk about love at first sight! The stainless steel bolster and generously sized handle furnish control and safety, the blade design provides you with unerring service. Blade length of 4-inches. Buy Now