Mike needs to learn to hustle, because it’s upland bird season!
As you know, I get excited about birds — and the upland season opening week means it’s time for me to go to work. I also know Mike thinks I just lie around all day on the couch and eat treats, but I am there dreaming about bird hunting! I am also recharging so I’ll be ready to hunt. You see, I work even in my sleep, har har!
The opener week this 2023 season has seen numerous sage grouse in the air but no shots? Why, you may wonder? Because I need Mike to get in gear and for him to move faster so he can keep up with me. When I smell birds, the race is on to get to them. Slow Mike is far behind when the birds rocket airborne. Ugh! Guess this year, along with some coal, he’ll be getting a treadmill and running shoes for Christmas, har har! He needs to move faster when walking — and when shooting. Guess he is happy to be saving money on shotshells because he has not used any.
Let me digress a minute: this opening week has been one filled with wildlife. I have seen several moose, many pronghorns, a coyote, several elk and the tracks of a sow bear with a cub. Glad I did not meet the bears because they have been on a streak lately around here where they kill and eat people and cows. Yes, I’ve been out there in the wilds, often on the go, and covering a lot of ground. Now I need to get Mike to cover the same ground at a much quicker pace or he will again be finding his birds in the supermarket. Maybe if I report I heard a bear in the bushes, Mike will move faster, har har!
Hope everyone is having a safe and productive opener. The hunt continues! —Cameron

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