When shopping for a discerning sportsman or woman this holiday season, be sure to check out Sporting Classics’ online store where we offer quality items that fit any budget.

Though mostly known for our outstanding selection of sporting books and knives, Sporting Classics Store also offers everything from tasteful lapel pins to fine art.


Most recently, we’ve added the Madison Creek Outfitter clothing line. Madison Creek is a family business that has been designing traditional American high-end clothing for more than 40 years.  Founder Phillip Hayes started the company after 20 years in the apparel industry designing leather and outerwear.  What started as a private label company in 1990s evolved into the brand Madison Creek Outfitters. The brand was inspired by family trips around the U.S.A. and reflect the Hayes family’s passion for the outdoors.

As it is with all items in the Sporting Classics Store, we’ve made sure the Madison Creek Outfitters line measures up to our standards of quality.  These are simply some of the best and most sensibly-made clothes we’ve seen.